Earlier this am there were several posts concerning the disappearance of 912 skelly....I would like to add my voice to those expressing concern for his fate. I know folks come and go on any forum, but skelly loved this place and went miles out of his way to to improve it and to aid growers both new and old. Skelly was going to get me some of DPs new strain auto desfran that is unavailable from anyone who ships to the US. He had an arrangement with DP to ship to him in Canada in return for his grows and reviews. We pmed back and forth and about 2 weeks ago[Nov. 11th] I received the following somewhat cryptic and alarming pm from him using a new screen name, "G. Leave"......................
"Hey man....just wanted to give you a shout and let you know that my life has turned absolutely upside down, and I have no clue where my future will be. I will fire those seeds off if i can, but i wont bullshit you man...my life is totally fucked right now."
I cannot imagine him leaving his responsibilities here without informing anyone............
@Mossy @Waira @Son of Hobbes do you all know anything? Of course, if you do and he asked you to keep it quiet, I completely understand! Please let us know what you can!