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Man I need a proper indica strain in my life, pure knockout narcotic buzz....
Good day to all you happy stoners
breakfast time and forgotten cookies crazy waxy juice [emoji1786] mephisto [emoji1305]
Canna rep? Like...owner of seed company? Site owner/admins? Stoners like me that'll rep the **** out of some good weed?

Lol, not quite. As in a representative from the Dutch company CANNA, have a query regarding their rhizotonic, it’s been raising my water ph from 8 to 9! Usually these things drop ph, not bringing it up. More than happy to get in contact directly but would be great if there’s a rep here on afn
afn just passing through on my way too bed i have one more does of meds before i pass out :biggrin: have a problem with water retention in my legs , very painful so i have too elevate my legs or spend the night passing the floor i have been told this will pas eventually .patience grasshopper :pass:nighty night piece be with you :bighug:
afn just passing through on my way too bed i have one more does of meds before i pass out :biggrin: have a problem with water retention in my legs , very painful so i have too elevate my legs or spend the night passing the floor i have been told this will pas eventually .patience grasshopper :pass:nighty night piece be with you :bighug:
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