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good morning afn am angry and and very disappointed in a medical system that is letting me down after 8 hours of research it appears that the side effects of the drugs that i am taking are more harmful then cure??? depression and muscle atrophy thoughts of suicide i am not here to scare anybody but to inform you about what i have learned in the last 8 hours . On the plus side i have a person who concerned with my well being and is protecting me in my time of need she is the greatest :bighug:if you are taking prescribed drugs ??? do your homework you may be surprised what you learn the people here are important too me:bighug:have a great day i'll be around :thumbsup:

Sorry to hear your struggling pal :bighug:

I need some seeds
I'm not arguing that, but the things you talk about regarding side effects can be caused by your ailment and not the meds themselves.

I mean, going by that line then, thanks to what I take, I should weigh 600lbs, slur my speech and be trying to take my own life on a regular basis as the side effects CAN cause weight gain, scramble the brain and make you suicidal. I'm none of those, so that's why I say that just because a side effect of a medication CAN be "x, y or z" it doesn't mean it WILL cause "x, y or z".

Let's face it, you're not going to be happy because of your condition and you ain't going to be as mobile as you once were, so how much is the meds and how much is because of the progression of the illness is very much open to question and that's why I say you can't blame the meds UNLESS you get a completely new medication regime with another set of side effects and see what changes.
sorry you don;t:biggrin: live under my conditions and unless you can show me a degree in a medical discipline i will ignore your opinion
Hey guy's here are some shot's of my FastBuds L.A @Day46, she is super covered in trics including stalks & stems And putting out some Beautiful Colors/Aromas .. Enjoy!:d5::thumbsup::woohoo::smokeout::pass::headbang:

The 2nd set is pics of my Mephisto Fantasmo Express.
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