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working with a citizen fast response humanitarian aid group is one of the most frustrating things I have ever done. Too many cooks, not enough recipes. Too many ego's for a job that works best free of ego.

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Always the same, ain't it, always too many chiefs as they all try to justify their position so they can keep skimming off the pie. These things always start of honourably, and the people on the ground like yourself cannot be faulted as you are doing the honourable thing, but once the folding stuff comes rolling in then the salaries go up, things get expanded so that means more management and higher salaries, and from then on it's entrenchment by those at the blunt end, the ones on the high pay and not the ones at the sharp end like yourself, to protect and justify their salary and position.

That means there's always "internal strife" between the different people in management as they fight and vie for position (you take over another department, you get more power and money. Very tempting for that type of person for they ain't in the business out of the goodness of their heart) and that is reflected "on the ground" where the same behaviour is seen in the "management" at the sharp end as they try to get the upper hand, and therefore the recognition, position and salary they think they deserve, which leads to chaos.

It's the same everywhere, whether it is charity or business, especially when you are on major, government-backed, projects. The "Fast Response" ends up being a misnomer, as getting there first and then not being able to do the job you went to do because of PPO means you end up getting in the way.

That's when you need a "me" between management and "worker", someone who is capable of barking out the orders whilst still doing at least as much as everyone else but isn't afraid of taking control and telling those who think they know better to get out of the way and keep the tea and coffee flowing, someone who isn't afraid to unleash a Tourette's-fuelled tirade at anyone so the one thing that matters, getting the bloody job done, is finished as quickly and efficiently as possible.

I'd soon sort these bastards out...

It’s 3:29 am here... been going at it for hours... I’m nearly done just have to take care of clean up. This is my new genetic / clone tent :pass:
Hope everyone had a good weekend.

- Cage the Botanist
good morning all took the day off took lurk yesterday and had some foot care done :thumbsup: today i will attempt the task of buying some seeds !!!! :biggrin: as some of you may have figured out i am i am the original 9 bear :toke: !!!!!! i am not concerned about my anonymity as i am a canuck and we are legal and will continue to pursue the benefits of cannabis as long as i can :thumbsup: i will be around all day drop in and say hello:pighug:
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