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Hmm dont think pollen will be viable :gassy1:

SD probably sweated up in the bag despite rice in the bottom of it and temps around 24c to try and dry get him.

I dropped his balls into a tub with all the rice and mixed it, the rice kinda turned pale green.

Pourd some into a cupple of bottle bags and stuffed them over Ruby's branches.


Shook it around a bit.

See what happens.. :shrug:

Just to let everyone know we are in the final week for the 2 Liter Bottle Fun Grow. Just have 4 members to submit their final pics by the August 31st deadline harvested or not. Then I'll be putting up a voting poll. So when you see it up please take a minute to cast your vote and show some support to all the fine members who've taken their time and had some fun during this grow.
Thanks mate!!

Almost as much of a balls up as when I watered my midget dragon with vino!

I need to take a good hard look at myself..


Your doing fine man, we all make some sort of mistakes, learn from them and prevail onto the next. I made alot of mistakes and still do but I'm more crazy then I let on as I try to keep that side under lock n key. But if we had one heck of a AFN get together party watch out.
Your doing fine man, we all make some sort of mistakes, learn from them and prevail onto the next. I made alot of mistakes and still do but I'm more crazy then I let on as I try to keep that side under lock n key. But if we had one heck of a AFN get together party watch out.

Those shitty phama meds really fucked me up last year. In so much a better place now with work an growing again!


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