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How do I add a video?
Hey bro
It's fairly easy, I'll give you a hand
  1. Go to Youtube/vimeo etc
  2. Find the video you like
  3. Copy video address in the address bar
  4. Click the Icon that looks like two film strips
  5. Paste the video address in the the provided space and click embed!
You should be all good to go!
could be anything IMG_0611.JPGi know whats goin on IMG_0610.JPG
heya iWumbo :pass:E Grower:pass:Padawan:pass:Elle:pass:gone13:bighug:arty :pass:Dabber:pass:peeps :pass:n lurkers:pass:
cant upload a video directly to AFN would have to be the likes of utube or vimeo


Nice spliff as per!!:pighug:
Awesome music video too, Your gonna get a slap for that!!!:headbang:
Buuuuuut ................ where is your scary Pumpkin avatar????:yoinks:
could be anything View attachment 961606i know whats goin on View attachment 961604
hehe archie has only gone and got himself an enail!!
Sweet but there mate, I'm sure your gonna have a ton of fun with that!
Is that from Vapefiend? they do like a bit of Dabbie there but you can also by Dabbie elsewhere!
Dabbie also do a nice portable dabber with water cooling that doesn't spill when you put it in the case!
Aye, we found Vimeo to be way better than YouTube in regards to canna-friendly, plus I noticed a lack of ads on Vimeo videos.
I'm preferring Vimeo too and have opened an account there and uploaded a couple of compost tea vids.
I am also noticing other canna companies ditching youtube and switching over!
One company called Vapefiend (sells vapes( has recently switched and all their youtube vids are no more!
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