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Good Day fellow stoners!

...Thought you'd all enjoy some bondage shots :naughtystep:from this morning, just finished tying all the ladies down!

...Time to get one rolled up!


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Hell with that, Spiderman is a fucking punk. I bet he wears loafers with no socks on his spare time and plays hide the corndog with his imaginary girlfriend from Canada. He's like the JarJar Binks of Marvel, worse than the whiny baby girl flash they had in Justice League.
Hell with that, Spiderman is a fucking punk. I bet he wears loafers with no socks on his spare time and plays hide the corndog with his imaginary girlfriend from Canada. He's like the JarJar Binks of Marvel, worse than the whiny baby girl flash they had in Justice League.
You put some thought into that?! Lol

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
Hell with that, Spiderman is a fucking punk. I bet he wears loafers with no socks on his spare time and plays hide the corndog with his imaginary girlfriend from Canada. He's like the JarJar Binks of Marvel, worse than the whiny baby girl flash they had in Justice League.

I want whatever he's smoking!:thumbsup:
I’m scare of American varieties too bloody strong o smoked star dawg it was too strong for me. I’m going too pick the blackberry. From do, or the blueberry. You American folks are hard natured. We play football by kicking a ball around, you guys use helmets in football, that says a lot lol

Shit, you guys play rugby.......that's not hard natured???
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