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A stoner walks into an appliance store and asks the owner, “How much for that TV set in the window?” The owner looks at the set, then looks at the stoner, and says, “I don’t sell stuff to potheads.” So the stoner tells the owner that he’ll quit smoking pot and will come back the next week to buy the TV. A week later, the stoner comes back and says, “I quit smoking pot. Now, how much for that TV set in the window?” And the store owner says, “I told you I don’t sell to potheads!” So the stoner leaves again. He comes back a week later and says, “How much for that TV?” The owner says, “I’m not going to tell you again, I don’t sell to potheads!” The giggling stoner looks back at the owner and says, “How can you tell I’m a pothead?” The owner looks back and says, “Because that’s a microwave!”
A tourist walks into a small Mexican village during siesta time and asks a pot-smoking guy sitting next to his donkey; “Hola compañero, can you tell me what time it is?” “Sure,” the guy replies, grabs his donkey’s balls and says “It is 4:20.” The tourist is baffled and inquires “Um, are you sure?” The Mexican lifts the donkey’s balls again and replies “Si amigo, 4:20 – without a doubt.” The tourist gets the feeling he is being fooled by the Mexican guy and gets surly “How the hell could you say what time it is by lifting your donkey’s balls?!” The Mexican lifts the donkey’s balls again, points a finger beyond them and calmly replies “Gringo, can’t you see the church tower clock over there?”
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