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Fat and Sassy

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Happy Saturday Stoners!

I only get one day off this week, so I am going to do absolutely nothing tomorrow. I am already off to a pretty good start with a taste of that Watermelon Zkittles. Two tokes ago I remembered that this is one hit stuff.

...and I have been meaning to open that bottle of whisky my brother in law sent me....
Wanted everyone to know I was ok. I haven't read much of the older posts yet (too tired), but thanks @hesgone13 for letting people know what's up.

Figured I'd tell you all what happened before I crash for the night.

Thursday morning I woke up dizzy and exhausted, and shortly after plopping myself down in a chair I was short of breath and sweating profusely.

After a few minutes of it just getting worse, I rang up 911, packed up a very few essentials, locked up the house, and sat on the front patio waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

For the past several months, I have lived with nearly 50% of my waking time with some form of sharp abdominal pain. About 10 years ago, I was hospitalized with a really bad case of diverticulitis. After recovering, the surgeon told me that the procedure to remove the damaged tissue was elective, if I did not get it done I had a 50% chance of it happening again in my lifetime. He also said that until I had the operation, the damaged tissue would be subject to inflammation and I should expect occasional discomfort. And I did. Increasing in frequency on an almost logarithmic scale. I just assumed that was all it was.

The thing was that for that event, I was driven to seek help by an alarmingly sharp pain in my side. It was so bad that I could not stand up. I was not experiencing that now. I assumed it was as the surgeon described.

Up until Thursday, I just assumed it would be something I had to live with until I had the surgery.

I was wrong.

That morning, the abdominal pain I had grown somewhat accustomed to was now joined by that old familiar stabbing sensation right where I expected it. Confirmed upon arrival at hospital. I had an incredibly bad case of (again) diverticulitis. White blood cell count was 30,000+. 6 times what is considered normal, and twice what is considered of grave concern.

This thing had been brewing in me for nearly a year.

At hospital, they told me that they were also concerned about my heart. They detected what they described as a rather generic-sounding "heart enzymes." Still not clear on what that really is, but I had been noticing what felt oddly like what I imagined heart arrhythmia to feel like for the past few weeks.

All this from what I thought was, while not entirely benign, clearly something I eventually would have to deal with, but not a critical moment. I had no idea it was a life-threatening condition.

Anyway, I am home now and will be spending most of the next few days in bed. I had asked @hesgone13 to let you know what was up because I was not sure when I could write what I am writing now.

Thank all of you of you for the well wishes. I can honestly say that I love all of you. I think of you as family.

See you guys after I've rested a bit.



Good to see you escaped, nobody like hospitals, they're full of sick people and you don't know what you'll catch.

Maybe your neck of the woods is different on some standards, but here the normal white blood cell count is between 3 and 10K, except when you have an immune system like mine which would be able to take on the bastard offspring of Ebola and HIV and laugh at it, because docs have stopped asking me if I have an infection or are sick as my white blood cell count is naturally around the 12K region. Always has been, but with nothing else to show there's something actually wrong inside me they now know I just have a seriously strong immune system.

But 30+k, that's quite an infection and could explain the heart enzymes as, obviously, when you're trying to fight off something like that it does stress the heart and that stress will result in an increased level of such enzymes which CAN be an indicator of heart muscle disease, so maybe more closer monitoring will be the order of the day as tests done when you've got such an infection may give a skewed result and all could well be good with the ticker itself, it's maybe just been the stress on the body from the infection building up, as you say, over a period of time which has triggered it, especially if the abdominal pain has been interfering with your sleep as that will also stress the heart. So don't stress over that, it won't help your heart, they've identified something that MIGHT be an issue but if it WAS an issue then you would have had a battery of tests done and you would likely still be inside the home for the diseased instead of being at your own home where you can be more relaxed.

I'm guessing it's a "nuclear" dose of antibiotics you've been given, so expect stomach issues as the "good" bacteria get killed off too. Ginger, fresh or in capsules or in pills based on ginger, is great for settling upset guts, and is something I always have here "just in case". Ranitidine (Zantac) is a great one for excess gut acid, I found that to be better on me than Omeprazole when I got an NSAID (Ibuprofen, to be precise) induced stomach ulcer, and always have that stuff here "just in case" as well. Just be aware that the antibiotics themselves can cause issues, and if the hospital hasn't given you something to protect against these effects it won't do any harm to have something at home "just in case".

So best wishes, not giving anything on your underlying diverticulitis because only you know what triggers that off and how to control it as you'll have been given more than enough info about it, but what I will say is that since it's Sunday here I was going to start the day off with a more "mellow" tune and, given that you're obviously another "Never let the bastards grind you down" type of person then I don't think I could have picked a more apt track for the first choon of the day if I tried, because the choice was made before I even started catching up with this thread.

Peace, bro, get some much needed rest, especially as the antibiotics will likely knock 7 shades of shit out of you, for everyone will still be here when you wish to have a chat. And enjoy the music

Oh,man, that was a surprise:joy:
My wife and kids made a perfect steak dinner with lots of fresh veggies.

Life is good. I blended some amazing Romulan with some very decent Amnesia Haze and headed for a magnesium tub.

I might not open that whisky after all. :dizzy:
@Mike20132 now I'm going to have to go see my Dr again. Earlier this year when I spent a week in the hospital my white blood cell count was off the charts, I just had another follow up with my primary and when they did labs my white blood cell count is still off the charts. Guess I shouldn't just put it off anymore and call to go in to see him about this.

Depends on how far "off the charts", especially the composition and "remnants", as my count is always "above normal" but the proportions of different cells are normal whilst the "remnants" always indicate a reaction against something that's bacterial AND allergies.

Which is hardly surprising as I have one cat who plays HARD and regularly leaves me bleeding and, well, I have cats.

The fun one's always the thrombocytes, the ones that do the clotting. Every time that comes back with, effectively, a near zero count because the lab keeps forgetting to do a different test, even though the doc puts a note in telling them to run the different test and provides an extra tube of blood just for this, as they are so efficient they clot together before the lab can count them...
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