Grow Mediums Crystal Meth DWC

I definitely plan on doing something like that if it does get out of hand.

Is there anything I could to to the main cola without hindering growth/yield?

And also, am I right to assume that switching to blooming nutrients will help stop the vertical growth?
Your could tie the main stem down, but thats similar to supercropping i suppose.
A lot of growers believe that changing to bloom nutes early helps the plants to flower sooner. Not sure if it has ever been proven or not though
I also cut back on veg nutes during the stretch and pump up the P and K. It seems to help. If you are using the wires that came with the led you can run it through one hook and hook it too the one beside it and it will shorten it up about six inches. If it has four connections you can take a coat hanger and run it between them like this
Make sure you get the bend right in the middle or it will sit at a angle. My second hydro grow I had 74inch side branches in a 60 inch tent lol. I had light two inches from the tent roof. Just seems like the stretch goes on and on in hydro. I have bent the top over to put a little S curve in the main stem to help control some height also just be careful. Hope this helps.

Happy Growing:greenthumb:
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@zepherlight Thank you for the info! I'll bare that in mind if this ever happens again. I plan on investing in a taller tent once I move out of this house in a month or two. (The tent is only 60" tall, and my ceiling is barely over 6 feet) All of my other plants have barely grown over 18" tall, so I was not expecting this!

My current solution has been to zip tie the light onto the poles at the top of the tent. I quite literally can't get the light any higher, but there's now probably around another 6 inches of space between the top of the main cola and the light.

Which reminds me, does anybody here backbuild when they grow? And if so, when do you do it? That was my plan B just in case the buds get all long and stretchy, plus I just want to try out the technique anyway.

Here's a shot of what she's currently looking like Ft. The Roor in the background there:


I appreciate all of the info you guys have been giving me. This is quite a helpful forum.
Yea I had to tie straight to pole also last grow. But It motivated me to get a taller tent lol. I was floored my first hydro grow when I saw the size they got too. It's a big difference from soil. Gotta love the yields.
Keep on Trucking:watering:
Woo! As the plant continues growing, so do my hopes for my best harvest yet.

It looks as though I've hit some nitrogen toxicity, so I'm dialing down on nutes high with nitrogen, but I'm not really sure how else to counter the problem. (Flush it for a little bit maybe?)

Here's how the structure of the plant is looking thus far.


And here are a couple closeups of some nice resin production. :lol:




I'm looking forward to the rest of the grow! Happy growing, all!
She looks great dude. Lovely growing. Im sure dialing back on the N will do fine ahe wont be needing as much now shes in flower
One thing I will recommend is, start the bloom earlier, and end the grow later. Do a transition phase for the center month of growth. Where you do 1/2 of each. Autos really benefit from getting the extra bud sites early. They also still need to build structure when blooming the first few weeks. Do you use a bloom booster? That is important for packing on the weight. The grow looks nice and clean.