Outdoor Crow's GG at 56ºN

Feels like an eternity since I've been to any of the GG plots (except for the Ducksfoot one). But in reality less than a fortnight since I was at the railway plot, where I ventured this evening.

I went to see if the Fast Serious 6 Glue was ready to chop, and indeed she was. The extra two weeks let her cook nicely. I probably could have left her another week, but anything could happen so decided to take her. The Joshua clone is still throwing out white pistils, clearly in no hurry to finish. So I'll let her get on with it. Hard to believe she's been out since April! The C99 x Blueberry is starting to flower, finally. I staked her with the branch I had used for the FS6G, as I have a feeling there'll be stronger breezes from here on in. I also rolled her cage down a few inches. This will allow her side branches to spread out a bit, and maybe make the cage less likely to fall over.

Further along the line, the two @Sawney_bean autos in the long planter are doing just fine. They're building buds and seem to be enjoying life. A few nibbled leaves but that's it. The other @Sawney_bean autos at the farthest spot have bounced back a bit after the munching, except for one SOS which didn't make it. The remaining three are all in flower, won't get much bud off them but it'll be interesting to see how they get on. I can't recall how old this lot are - planted seeds in two waves due to several not germinating - but they do seem to flower pretty fast, even outdoors. Good for a quick second harvest.

All the girls got some liquid seaweed, I tidied up a bit, weed around them, and trimmed a bit of encroaching undergrowth. It's going well so far, reckon I might use the railway again next season. Might even pop a couple of photoperiod clones out here before it's too late, see if they finish.

Joshua clone

Fast Serious 6 Glue just before harvest

C99 x Blueberry Early Version

After staking and removal of dead leaves

Sawney Bean's autos (SOS left, either SOS or Small Lecter on right)

Sawney Bean's autos (Small Lecter left, the other two are SOS)
So life all got a bit busy this last wee while, and somehow I haven't been to two of my plots for three weeks! I'll be heading to the embankment and bramble plots just as soon as I can...

I also got to thinking about the clones I still have inside vegging, and a few in the polytunnel hardening off. Originally I had planned to do some "plant and leave" with these clones, but time is running out on that idea. Also I just can't be arsed.

So instead, I'll backfill some of the empty places at the embankment and railway plots. Railway could be an issue, because of trees that probably will leave most girls in shade by the end of next month. Had that site earmarked more for autos and semi-autos really because of this. But there are planting holes there, and I certainly can't grow them all indoors due to other projects and moving my indoors setup away from home hopefully next month. It will at least give a chance of a harvest from these plants in October. I might grow a small number under plastic too.

I can hear folk thinking "WTF? Planting out near the end of August? Are you mad?" and yeah this should have happened last month, when most autos were harvested. But things all took longer than expected. If they go out soon they can settle in and start flowering, staying smaller which may help stealth a bit. Basically it's better to have them out there growing, than binning them.
Took the opportunity to plant out a few clones this evening. I was near the railway on an errand anyway, so took three Super Kush girls down there. Good timing as the sun was out, making it easy to see which planting holes will get full sun for the next wee while. Looks more positive than I thought. I cut overhanging branches off some nearby trees so the girls won't be shaded so much. Planted them out, using half height cages made from a couple of full sized ones I had stashed in the bushes. Gave them all some liquid seaweed, a teaspoon of slow release fertiliser granules too. Had some Flower Power and bonemeal with me. The Joshua clone and the C99 x Blueberry EV got a bonemeal top dress, plus a root soak with Flower Power. Also gave the three new arrivals some FP. Room for another four clones at this section, I'll plant them out as soon as I can manage.

I’m not being funny if the weather goes like last year the summer will stretch another month I reckon so I think u will be fine
I certainly hope so! Last year didn't get really cold until November. Forecast looks good for early September, basically the same as the "summer" we have had... :biggrin:
No problem brother, my hat goes off to you, effort = reward ;)
Aw gee shucks, etc. From my perspective I've often taken the path of least resistance. For example extending existing plots instead of starting new ones, backfilling empty grow spots instead of "plant and leave" and so on. Hopefully will have the rest planted out soon, then it will get easier until harvest time...
Managed to make it to the embankment plot yesterday evening. By the time I arrived the sun had set and it was getting dark. This is a plot I can't visit during normal working hours - due to a nearby business I might be spotted so I have to arrive after they close for the day. Good practice for the month or two ahead, as the nights are fair drawing in...

So I blundered around in the dark, a small torch held low to the ground. Managed to nearly poke my eye out on a cane while trying to water one girl. Spent the rest of the night in agony, but seems to be fine today luckily. Anyway, quick summary...

The tallest of the girls are now two metres / six feet high, the tops are above head height. Even the bushy clones are around four or five feet high. I never expected them all to get so lofty it must be said. Seems a bit of neglect suits outdoor weed.
Everything is in flower, except the Super Kush and Triton Biscotto Lime, though the latter seems to be about to start. Joshua is the most advanced, but taking her time. @Sawney_bean 's autos have recovered from the munching, though the SOS have also suffered nibbling it appears. All are in flower, the SOS in particular doing very well. One is quite tall now, all looking frosty.

I planted out two girls in the remaining gaps in the two rows at the plot: a Frisian Duck clone and a CBD Critical Mass. They probably won't get very big before going into flower, but we'll see. Certainly they're dwarfed by the trees around them...

All girls in flower got a top dress of bonemeal and a root drench of Flower Power. Those still vegging got a smaller amount of bonemeal, plus a root drench of liquid seaweed. The two new arrivals got some slow release granules, liquid seaweed drench, and a wee drop of Flower Power too. I did a quick weed, nothing too thorough as visibility was poor. I'll return in a week or two to see how things are going.

Took some photos with my phone and flash, the results are a bit impressionistic but hopefully give an idea.

Six footers - C99 x Blueberry EV, Purple Maroc Glue, Biddy Early 2 Fast

In the foreground the stick that got me in the eye. Ouch!

Everything has grown - Super Kush, Triton Biscotto Lime, autos, semi-autos

Super Kush clone

Joshua clone

@Sawney_bean 's autos

Triton Biscotto Lime clone

Frisian Duck and CBD Critical Mass planted out
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