Dragon Meds crowfarmer Frost Dragon smoke report

I love that Last Sentence ....!!!!!!
@crow MAX :slap: to you brother! Great freaking smoke report...Going to have to grab a pack of these :)

I think of the dragons as Mossy's kool-aid.....As once you experience :nightdrag: its all over...



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Update to Smoke report the cure is now 4 weeks and the taste is still a very strong bold taste. The high is still kick ass just this week while enjoying some frost :smokebuds: with 2 old seasoned smokers who were trying Frost Dragons for the first time 1 only made it half way through the joint :face: and the other almost fell out of his chair:rofl: yes the dragons kick some butt lol. As for them being nite nite dragons :nightdrag: i have not found them to be that way but I will warn you that your watch and all the clocks around you will start to have the wrong time or it maybe the Frost Dragons caused some vapour lock.Riding the Dragon