New Grower Creature's Double Feature aka, Welcome to my Nightmare!

Isn't that the way it always goes? Sometimes I think I just want to chop so I can grow something different.

Images didn't come through

Thanks for the heads up on the pics. Hopefully fixed. :pass:

I'm dying to test the fruits of my efforts. I thought I'd feel bad when it came time to chop but these girls have been a little too needy. lol.

My body is ready! :vibe:
@Creature my man!! Whats on the books for the next batch?? Have a big-ole rep slap to get ya going on the next grow:slap:
Thanks @budelee !

Growing out a couple freebies this time. Panama Lime and Cheese. May toss in a Quarter Pounder if she decides to sprout. Not looking good for her. lol

Have some Dinafem seeds on deck to start as soon as I harvest these girls and pull the HPS. Can't wait for that. :smoking:
So, I'm guilty of slacking on updates. Been battling these plants hard.

Lost the 50ml challenge subject. Just couldn't keep her green. I think the biggest issue were the wicks. They either worked too well and kept it too wet or they weren't pulling nutes. She went downhill when I started wicking instead of straight watering. Last shot I took of her. Funny thing is, she was the most aromatic plant in my grow.

Plant [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] got a partial chop as her main cola was likely a bit overdue. She decided to push up another main cola 2 weeks into flower so I left the rest of her to fatten up a bit more.

From Thurs night's partial chop. Many mistakes but diligence pays off in the end. It is just a weed after all. :smoking:

[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] took off into a second stretch and is currently the best plant I have. She is a real beauty in comparison to everyone else. lol. I think the massive watering's I've been giving her has helped a LOT with all the issues she's suffered. [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] is a couple days from chop. [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] AK in the 2 liter has me concerned. She has flower like I've never seen. Way to stringy and branchy for smoke. She'll likely only be useful for butter or oil unfortunately.

I'll get more pics up in a day or so when I pull them out again.

Whelp.. Failing miserably on update pics. lol

It's watering day for the remaining plants and I just received a new tri-pod to alleviate shakey hand photo syndrome so hopefully I'll remember later.

I did this last night though.

Thats the rest of Bubblicious [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] on a large shopping bag. I shoulda put a Coke can next to the upper left bud. :smoking:

[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is going to be the last to finish, I figure she's about 1/2 way through flower.

[HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] will get the axe probably tomorrow night. Not going to get much outta her. Maybe a zip. She was stunted and had zero training.

[HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] AK is a strange one. She's lanky as all get out but very sticky and the smelliest thing in my closet. Not sure she'll be "smokable" but if it comes to it, she'll produce a LOT of something else as she's ALL flower. Loose as it may be. lol

The new plants I started are growing nicely under the COBs. The Panama Lime seems to be VERY unhappy with her soil being too hot and wet while the Cheese in the same set up is a happy camper. I cannot believe the difference in growth rate under these 2 COBs compared to the 400w HID. No training. Lights ~30" above. 1" node spacing. Side branches are almost as tall as the main stem on the Panama Lime.

I think when I finish this first round and pull the HPS I'm going to start a new thread for grow 2 under COB's called "The Nightmare Continues Tour" :crying: