Creating an auto: Male photo x Female auto?

The Medicine Man

Head Hydro Honcho
May 29, 2011
Reaction score
Hey there,

So, this was a Q I had in one of my threads and was thought better to be asked here.

I know traditionally people take a female photo, pollen from an auto, mate those, and backcross a male from that seed to the female photo and start selecting.

My Q... how can you do that using the opposite? A male photo plant and a female auto?

Just curious, as I only have pollen from a nice deep chunk cross that I have, and decided to pollinate a super resinous HBD that I have. But, I have no idea what to do next.

If the book I read back in high school is moderately correct and there's no sign it is I feel like you will need to make one extra bx to ensure the recessive gene. That's again if I remember correctly but I'm stabbing in the dark.

---------- Post added at 07:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:43 PM ----------

Did some further reading. Try this thread. might give you a few more answers. "when making seeds"

---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 PM ----------

Did some further reading. Try this thread. might give you a few more answers. "when making seeds"
In the event you haven't found it yet its on page 2 of the Breeders Den. I'm not able to paste links for some reason
I replied in your home thread OG.

You can use what ever part of a photo plant you want. Male or female. Wiz's black dragon's were made from male pollen on a female auto.

If you think about it, it would be wise to back cross to a photo mom AND dad. IMO you'd grab genes from both sides to complete the auto.
Thanks hitman! That thread was just what the doctor ordered.
Not a problem og glad I could help. Good luck with your project