New Grower Cream Mandarine XL + Cream Caramel

Jan 31, 2022
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Hello everyone,

I proceed to show you the hemp I've been taking care of for the last 49 days:


31 total 7L pots

In the smaller tent they are 100cm long,

In the bigger they are 65cm

Lumatek 600w & 300w

I'm giving them Advanced Nutrients
*Should I change big bud with over drive?

Please take a look at the video I uploaded:


@Yeyoyayeyo:welcome: Welcome to AFN.:welcome: First off they overall look pretty good but they are showing different problems on different plants. The limey colored ones look hungry but others are showing signs of lock outs?

Take a look here and see if it may help.

@Yeyoyayeyo:welcome: Welcome to AFN.:welcome: First off they overall look pretty good but they are showing different problems on different plants. The limey colored ones look hungry but others are showing signs of lock outs?

Take a look here and see if it may help.

Thank you very much man! I give them all the same water with advanced nutrients.

Yes, there are four of them that look way ahead of the rest, and are smaller. Should I give them different water?
What are you growing in peat or coco or ?

What is the source and PPM of your water?

How do you fertigate/water? Do you have run-off? What do you do with it?

What schedule are you following?

What EC and PH?

Do you have Fungus Gnats? If so have you treated the soil?
-Peat 7 L

-RO filtered water.

-I have a 40L tank of water with a bomb and stick.

-Once every two days I give like 35L for all the 31 plants.
A: 5.9 pH and EC 0.4 with cal mag and sensin zym.
B: EC 1.6 the other with all the other products with big bud at this moment.

-Water temperature: 21°

*No plagues.

The ones that are ahead of the rest were on a smaller tent in worst conditions, they were also the ones that came out the smallest to begin with so that's why they went to the other tent. I just took out the small one and put them in the bigger one.

Thanks so much again man!