Sweet Seeds Cream Mandarine Smoke Report


Nice one opi8250 ;)

Thanks for sharing, we're glad you enjoy it. Sweet smokes!


Yes you do.

Do it! Doooooo iiiiiiiiiiit!


..... Are you doing it yet!?

Here, try this :Sharing One:

Ain't peer pressure a bitch?
oh I done did it! 20 min ago. .............did I tell you I did it! and being my first auto grow I am full of myself right now. can't fit my head thru the garage door.lol:Sharing One: right back at ya!
Great work Opi8250 ;)Thanks for sharing!
Cream Mandarine® Auto was one of the first auto that I really enjoyed, very similar to photoperiod plants ;) Now I have more lovers hehehe and one of them is the new Cream Mandarine XL Auto that will be released very soon!
Keep it sweet!
After growing one out, it's easy to see why you loved her so much. I've only got 2 seeds left, I've been thinking of ordering a few more to hang onto, but this auto XL sounds like just the ticket! How's the growing time frame look on those? Smell/taste? You've got my attention! :)

Great work Opi8250 ;)Thanks for sharing!
Cream Mandarine® Auto was one of the first auto that I really enjoyed, very similar to photoperiod plants ;) Now I have more lovers hehehe and one of them is the new Cream Mandarine XL Auto that will be released very soon!
Keep it sweet!
Wow. Your arm must be made of rubber. That was way to easy to twist!

Lol, right on man. You won't regret it!

oh I done did it! 20 min ago. .............did I tell you I did it! and being my first auto grow I am full of myself right now. can't fit my head thru the garage door.lol:Sharing One: right back at ya!