Photography Cream Caramel Day 01 through 50


Jan 13, 2013
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Hi all!
I started a thread a while back on this particular auto and had to abandon it. I was able to keep a photo journal of it and here it is (part I of II anyway)....

I started her indoors under LEDs...
(2) 90w UFOs
(1) 300w no-name panel a 3.5 gal home made airpot using mainly Fox Farms Ocean Forest for my medium.

Night time temps in my region reached the sixties a couple weeks ago so I moved her outdoors. Daytime temps made my room almost unbearable so I was happy to move her.

I've been feeding her General Organics nutrients and, as it seems she is through with her stretch, I will be switching to flower nutes today.

My first Cream Caramel...I'm digging her structure!! As of today she stands 36 inches tall (at the cola and 28 at the bigger tops) and 40 inches wide.

I expect her to do well and will post Part II after she is harvested and dried/weighed.

Have a great weekend everybody! :peace:
Hi Bud!

She looks great and loving it outdoors!! :) looks like she might turn into a monster!!

Fingers crossed and looking forward to part 2!
Have a nice weekend!
Blue ^_^
Thanks, Blue! I'm looking forward to part II too!!:D
Nice job!
She looks really happy :thumbs:
She has some solid branching, wishing you a heavy harvest!
she look a beautful keep the good work going :smokebuds:look forward to see your new update,im just about to grow one,ones again and looking forward to it after see your dam beauty of a girl oh yh Peace Kudo.jpg
a friend grew cream caramel a while back and it was easily one the nicest smokes I've ever had, so look forward to some seriously sweet and tasty bud! Beautiful plant you got there

Thanks all! That's great to hear peez! ....I personally don't know anyone who has grown it. Cheers, everyone!
Can't wait for part 2! Wish I had the space to grow monsters like that
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