New Grower Couple of LR2's first grow

whats up snowchicken? hey bro looks like maybe she hungry for some you have cal/mag. yeah bro I fim top and prune all my autos and they seem to love it. all depends on when and how you do it, and it looks like you got it nailed bro. they look great. im subbed up if you don't mind.
No, I don't have any. wasn't sure if I needed it. I should pick some up in the morning I guess. Glad you like the ladies and the set up. I welcome all advice, so dont be shy!!!
DSCN3166.jpgDSCN3165.jpgSo I went to the local grow shop and looked around for some cal/mag. When my friendly grow shop owners asked what it was I was looking for I proceded to tell them I was looking for cal/mag... They had no Idea what I was looking for. but in there best attempt they found something I might want. needless to say I didnt buy anything but we had a really cool talk about lighting!!!! and I am the first person they know that has growen a seedling to bud completely on LED's alone!!! Did I Tell You I Live in Alaska and in my neck of the woods Im glad I have someone within 150 miles that has a shop I can buy things from!!!!
So here is a couple pics of my Ladies!! Penny is the one that Kinda spreads out,
and Dinah is my one cola women if you know what I mean....
DSCN3164.jpgThese are my newest babies! This is Quinn and Lee Ann, I fimmed Quinn and I tied Lee Ann down... not sure I feel good about the tie down but Im finishing it. This is what I was doing but I feel bad!!!
Thanks, Thats easy and thats how I like it!!!!
So I went to the local grow shop and looked around for some cal/mag. When my friendly grow shop owners asked what it was I was looking for I proceded to tell them I was looking for cal/mag... They had no Idea what I was looking for. but in there best attempt they found something I might want. needless to say I didnt buy anything but we had a really cool talk about lighting!!!! and I am the first person they know that has growen a seedling to bud completely on LED's alone!!!

Where in AK are you? Seems odd that A) they wouldn't know of cal/mag or B) hadn't heard of a total LED grow.

Anyway, your grow is looking fantastic!! Keep up the great work. AK representing big time in those buds.

Cheers and Happy 420
You would never guess!!!!!!! not far for sure.
Wow, finally back up and running!! Thanks for all the hard work. Well a lot has happened over the course of two weeks so I don't even know where to start. I had some problems I could have used help on but the situation seems to have resolved itself.. So the grow is going well, Penny and Dinah are about done I think my wife is planning on harvesting this weekend!!!! Sweet. Quinn and Lee Ann are growing like weeds. I FIMed Lee Ann and she now has 4 main branches and is 23 inches tall!! Got lots of bud sites too. That's 4 inches taller then my biggest one that's about to finish. Quinn I tied down fairly aggressively and she is coming around. She is quite a bit behind in development compared to the one that got FIMed. Not sure if it is coincidence or not. Here is some pics.


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Forgotten to say, that Dinah and Penny will be day 70 or so when they get chopped. I don't have a scope plus I'm at work and my wife says she is harvesting this weekend. So she doesn't have to do it next week after work which is fine with me. They should be good to go. I plan on getting a scope to check tricks before my next two are done. She says I also need to stop micro managing her growing of the plants from 800 miles away!!! But I am nervous for the drying curing part but I'm sure she will do fine. I have been instructed to stay out of it till I get home in 10 days..... It's hard.