New Grower Could use some help selecting a strain

Well if a auto can win 2nd at the spannibus cup for indoor hydro against photos. This summer i grew some Magnum by buddha outdoors picked it in the prime of summer everyone that smoke it thought it was indoor and would go pale off of one bowl load. My one fiend needed a nap before he went home all seasoned veterans of weed too. I would say the line between autos and photos is disappearing lol

Fairlynew to me that is a great thing to hear! Its exciting to see the lines getting blurred. Its a great sign for auto flowers and the future of growing.
Auto growers are like pioneers on the cutting edge of something great.

Thanks again for your thoughts :D
This is my forst post here and this looks like a great forum!
Sorry im not sure if this is the correct sub forum to ask this.
Im searching for 1-2 auto flower strains to try.
My time to research is limited and the more I read the more potential strains im finding. Theres far too many to choose from and the quality reports reange from great to horrible depending on the strain. My cash is also limited so I really want to get this right. Ive purchased bad seeds in the past enough times and the cost is just too much to get it wrong again.

Im searching for...

- One of the most potant of the auto flowers.
- Non feminized strain if possible.
- A reputable seller. I know some dont store seeds correctly and ive had many that just dont germinate.

I've grown LR2 in years past and was quite impressed.
I would like something similar but more potant.
its been years since this strain hit the shelves and many newer better strains are out there. Im trying to get a quick feel for what the latest greatest strains are.

On my list so far:

Bomb - THCbomb auto
Kush Von Stich

I have loved autos for a number of years and would like to take it to the next level.
What are some of your favourite strains right now ?

Hate to say it but Stitch's KVS may noy be what it once was, he's had a lot of problems with his genetics the last couple years. If they have to be regs, I'd suggest going over to the autoflower portal and getting some of Yoda's dragon's Breath. I just grew one and its killer! I'm sad beause I've almost vaped it all! You can find some other very, very good autos there from small privat growers. Get some of NW's Sour"D
Thanks pop22! That site uas some great options. I really have my eye on the Stone Dragon.
Hello kind sir! There are meny strains to choose from and as many seed banks to offer them. First, I will give you the most reputable and some killer strains to help you on your journey.

The Attitude Seedbank, The Choice Seedband(Attitudes sister bank.) AliBongo Seedbank, Seedsman Seedbank.

Now to find you a strain. I would go to Alibongo, hit the seeds button, hit the autoflower seeds button, hit the regulars button and shop with those that sound good. Shortstuff has some killer beans to play with. MI5, Assassin to name a few. With some serious punch. Attitude seedbank has some great surfing options too. good luck on your search and hope you find one that will be to your liking!
Haha thanks briman :D idk about the kind or sir part though hehe ;)