Could the fade start at only day 40?

Dec 17, 2021
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or is this something else??? thanks

Definitely something else. She's not even close to being done. I'm not a pro so I don't want to give you bad advice. What are you feeding her?
It may be also a nutrient lock out caused by ph imbalance.
Also tips on upper leaves are curling and yellowing, light stress may be causing that.
It may be also a nutrient lock out caused by ph imbalance.
Also tips on upper leaves are curling and yellowing, light stress may be causing that.
Light Stress does not happen with LEDs - Period . Well I suppose some of the newest lights may be able to exceed 2400 PPFD but not likely. If a person is using HID you can physically burn the plant with IR and stress a plant.

Tip burn is caused by nutrients or VPD out of range.
Light stress might occur with leds, heat stress doesn’t since leds doesn’t produce a lot of heat.
If leds (it depends on the power of the led ofc) are placed very next to plants, upper leaves will get overloaded and this will cause brown tips as nutrient burns.
Correct me if I am wrong :baked: I am stoned af..:dizzy:

I agree 100% with you indeed !
I read somewhere that bright LED's kick up the metabolism more than other lights. I dont think they go through light stress exactly, but they start using nutrients at way different rates under more intense light so deficiencies show up quick where they normally wouldn't.

Also, under very bright light, eventually they can't get enough carbon from the soil or normal air so you need to run CO2 to really make good use of very intense light.

Like tuning a race car i guess at that point.