New Grower Cost/benefit on led?

Jun 30, 2015
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How much do one save by using led vs hps?
If I were to use a 1200 watt led, instead of my 600 watt hps, would my electricity bill be lower? :)
The only way you will get your energy use down is by using a light that consumes less power,you need to look at the actual draw of the light rather than the number used in the title of the light...this is just companies trying to deceive you by stating the maximum power of the light in the title,led chips are rarely ran at full power to lengthen the life of the light.
If you want to get you bills down get 3 Grownorthern HS1s,they use like 75w each and 3 will destroy a 600w HPS in yield and quality.
:thumbsup: oh yh and heat too :passit: PicSketch-2015-03-20-23-48-13.jpg
Thank you! Been searching the Web and couldn't get any clear answers! Do you know how much the 3 gn led lights would cover? In tent size, number of plants etc?
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just some facts that led companies dont tell you ----->>to get hps yield the led must be on the same watts or more even now on 2015 with all new tec (ultra light spectrum -sun light spectrum etc) with all 3w-5w-7w etc are not perfect and in the best case scenario on same watts with hps lights they produce the same (<----the best case scenario) + one 600w bulb cost 45-50$ now one led unit at same watts cost 1000$ what economy we are talking here ???????

You think you need 600w+ of LED to match 600w HPS? Maybe with shit LED lights bro but not the vast majority of LEDs. I'm interested to hear your reply and would love to see your evidence... Oh here's mine
When I decided to try growing and started reading up on lights, the common argument I found is that LED can produce the same results with less watts used because of the light spectrum's involved. HPS produces full spectrum light, so a large percentage of the watts used are producing light in wavelengths that plants don't need. By comparison, LED theoretically produces just those wavelengths needed by the plants resulting in less watts needed to do the job.

For me, though, it was all about working in a small closet space with little desire to drill big holes in my walls to vent heat off of lights, with my inner tree hugger and penny pincher wanting to conserve a little power being a close(ish) second.
The only way you will get your energy use down is by using a light that consumes less power,you need to look at the actual draw of the light rather than the number used in the title of the light...this is just companies trying to deceive you by stating the maximum power of the light in the title,led chips are rarely ran at full power to lengthen the life of the light.
If you want to get you bills down get 3 Grownorthern HS1s,they use like 75w each and 3 will destroy a 600w HPS in yield and quality.

You got me interested in those lights now. I see they use very little power but I cant seem to find out how much lumination (lumens) they give out.
Hps does not produce full spectrum light. At least not in the amount needed to reach the plant. Inverse square law. UV production is exceptionally poor also. Quartz glass. And the heat. And the electric bill. But they work and they work well and have for a long time. There is an excellent value to be had at startup for buyin costs. Its all a tradeoff. I couldnt get LEDs on my budget and went middle of the road with an LEC315 from Sunsystems. Exciting technology. Low watts, high output, less heat, nice footprint. $500 on the barrelhead at my local hydro shop. Keep an open mind and choose what best suits your grow situation. Good luck with your grow Neo, smoke em if you got em. Fwitw, LEDs are the future of all lighting, one trip to home depots lighting aisle will confirm this. Even CFLs are moving out because of the mercury they contain.And the LEDs just keep getting better and brighter. I just wish they were cheaper, LOL.