Indoor Cosa Nostra (private thread)

The show WILL go on with or without me! If you know my personality well enough and truely know me the show MUST go on . I go forward! I did not take this chance to quit or just lay down roll over and die. THIS SHOW MUST GO ON UNTIL COMPLETION! Hook or Crook it will be completed!AutoflowerNetwork Allah is Great!
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Phone acting up and wont let me post pics.
I just got done pollination of Black Cream and Purple Kush with Black Cream pollen. Purple Kush i was reversing had to take a back burner and i let it die, reason for that the Purple Kush i would have pollinated with it had died, Black Cream had survived and looks nice . So i said ok, i didnt want accidental pollination so i decided to due 1 type of strain pollination at a time! So it looks like this now in my grow.

Black Cream pollinated with Black Cream
Purple Kush pollinated with Black Cream
Black Cream unpollinated
Purple Widow unpollinated

After this run i have to reverse another Purple Kush to pollinate a Purple Kush and Black Cream
Put the pollen powder on the plants yesterday. Sprayed water on it today, im fuckin kinda lost
How did you apply the pollen... You should be fine... You can try it again to make sure. To make sure it took. Sorry bro been wicked busy I'll get to your pm as soon as I can.
Killed all the plants starting over soon! Pollen everything wasted i feel like crying.Anybody who knows or followed me knows the time and money invested, im kinda more hurt because the time, now starting over .

New plan
Reverse 2 autos (same time)

4 plants pollinate in controlled environment

6 months total
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Allah is great, i feel lost and just feel like crying. I keep telling myself to be strong and the money will come. I feel like rolling over and just dieing. If i dont get this right this time i might as well just drink the nutes and die,because i refuse to waste it or let my fam down.
This time this one will make or break me! My life is in your hands rebby!