Live Stoner Chat (copy of intro messg. sent to Muddy)


Growing strange,...
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Mar 11, 2013
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fine-ass '22 harvest!
Hi everyone- I just reg'd the other day, and got introduced to Muddy-san,.. though I ought to fire off a post here too... I'm sure I'm not alone in getting blown away by all the strain choices! The decision process has often ended up looking exactly like this :joint: Thanks to the many contributers here for helping pare down the list some,...! I've found several on my woody list (see below) that have been reported on, but still several others with little or no info (that I could find so far! There's sooo much here nowdays). Red dwarf, UV, Star Ryder, 7 dwarfs in general, Transiberian and pineapple punch, B.Lee auto are candidates I'd like to hear more about,... also, I'll start looking for growers that have tried Mycos (RTI). Thanks! I'm all ears/eyes...

(copy of intro messg. sent to Muddy)
Hello there Muddy! What a fantastic find this website has been.... From what I gather you're one of the sensei's here at AFN, so I wanted to introduce myself and tap into your (and others) wisdom before I get started on my first auto-crop. Oh yeah, I love your Fabulous Furry Freak Bros. quote!! I'll bet scant few of the folken here have any idea who they are!.... My name's Andy... and I'm an old hat at growing plants, species type orchids especially, but I'm a n00b with MMJ. I had 1 outdoor grow last season that went well, and now I've got a whole new grow-bug up my vent pipe! This AF phenomena has me interested on many levels; practically it suites my needs perfectly; namely, speed, stealth and potentcy. I'm fixin' to start my grow in a few weeks, and I'd very much like some advise/input on things.... Here's the big picture: Ideally I want a low height, high potentcy, multi-strain crop, I>, S>, and hybrids represented; grow methodology- K.I.S.S., with high Q soils and nutrients. I'm unconcerned about yields; the priority is on quality and aromatics. This brings me to the tormentful decision making on what strains to grow. I've mined the forums for results others had, and have a list that's just killin' me! The sudden explosion of AF strains onto the scene is staggering to one just arriving to it. Questions swirl, which co.'s to trust, which strains are tried and consistent (or not...), as you know all too well, ay? Some strains seem to be well tested (RRF, MI5, blueberry x's), while so many others not even on the radar.... Here's my list: (vision) AK49, white widow; (short stuff) HBD, RRF, MI5, or ?; (auto) transiberian, pineapple punch; (samsara) UV; (buddha) red dwarf, purple kush; (sweet) crm. mandarine, SAD; (DP-JD) star ryder!; (7dwarfs) cyclops, or ?...;(Mossys) purple jem. or ?.... Still there are others,..:help: I'm thinking a bit crazy here, but a shotgun approach is what I'm angling for; 8-10 strains, 2-3 seeds each. Of course I know that what I end up with will be luck of the draw due to nongerm's, males, and other misshaps.... Finding the seeds is solved, except for Mossy's p. jem; this is the same Aunty Mossy here , yes? Is it okay to inquire about it?... don't want to be a tool,... Anyway, I've got great choices on soil and nute's, but one glaring question remains about mycorrhizae; specifically, given the plants speedy developement, will the colonies be established enough to be truly beneficial to the plant in time? I see alot of back and forth about this; as a scientist, I know they're otherwise highly beneficial,... Okay, enough prattle,... thanks Muddy and other sensei's, and to the general membership for all the valuable info! Maybe I should post a copy of this on the new members intro forum,... I'll be around:toke:
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a BIG HIGH welcome to AFN waira, nice to have you to join our family of Breeders and Growers of Auto-flowering Cannabis. There is a New Growers Forum thread with all the help you need for a successful grow. Remember there is a wealth of knowledge in the stickies at the top of the pages as well as the Reference Links threads. The Site Terms Of Use is posted in the above sticky . Now join in and enjoy your new family of Growers and Friends.

TOKE OUT:smokebuds:
Welcome Waira!! Glad to have you here.BTW,I love your avatar what breed of orchid is that?I used to grow them 20+ years ago?Is that a hybrid?anywhooo, glad to have you here and hope to see you around.:wiz:
'Ello mate! thanks for the wave....:D That juicy avatar babe is Stanhopea martiana, and a damn fine variety of it. I hounded and smoked another orchid homie for a division a few years back. Did you have any Stanh's? Pic's do no justice to the complexity if it's build,... gotta see it to believe it. Personally, I thinks it's proof that Mother nature often worked while high-high-high..!:smoke: Intoxicating aroma too...
I'm still grinding over my strain chioce list; Muddy-san had some nice recommendations, which helped me eliminate some, but add others :joint:...back to this again (lol)... I still have some time though; I don't want to start until I've a good 13+hrs of sunlight to work with,.... Pots down by April I figure... what's your :2cents: on strains?
Thanks Toke! My ass is sore already from all the chair time here, and no end in sight (another good problem to have!). Anybody have a doughnut cushion and 'roid creme I can borrow!?
No I never had the luxury to grow those.Seen a bunch.I was pretty young and the knowledge was not there but I had a few going at the nurseries I worked at in the late 80's Blue grand dragons if I remember right..?i dunno too long ago to be truthful.And as far as strains go Muddy is a welth of knowledge as many many other are here.This place is truly awesome my friend!!And in my opinion, if your looking for highly potent strains that are small and squat in size,the list can truly be endless.Indica dom. sativa dom. a 50/50?Me personally I like Le Fruit Defendu since its a truly unique smoke from my opinion.Ive only got a few small grows under me but I do like Medijuana(Heavy Inda Dom.)yet its photo though.But Light if Jah is truly a unique smoke as well.Very floral and potent and pretty small too.My two cents is le fruit defendu and light if jah.I like you already man you grow orchids!! :D
Thanks bro'.... the grind continues....
Welcome to AFN:group:enjoy and best wishes with your growing :dance:


"New member's guide"
There's a few good link's in my sig.
please read the site rules
Any question's feel free to ask, If I don't know the answer's, I can tell you who will..​
Welcome to the oh so wonderful AFN. We are glad to have you ad please feel free to ask questions and poke around the site for info. Our recently upgraded search bar up works great. :D :smokebuds: