Months back our beloved Briman (Brother of the Beerfridge!) sent me some links to a photoperiod breeder named Med Man. After watching his videos on YouTube I was totally blown away! So I asked him if he would come to AFN and he graciously accepted!! Med Man is not just a phenomenal breeder... He's much more than that! This is copied over from his site so as to accurately depict his bio here. This is the link to his site...
Who is he?
Thaddeus Conrad, President and CEO of med-man brand – the world’s most awarded, first and only weed-seed-feed and more company
C.O.O. of Powerplant Inc – a California based production company
C.P.O. of Ammcan – the world’s largest indoor medical marijuana production site
Consultant – Supreme pharmaceuticals
What/when/where has he done?
- 22 years experience/knowledge base in the cannabis industry
- Most awarded North American: hydroponic system, seed breeding, fertilizer and flower company
- Set up over 2000 kilowatts of medical grows in 7 years in British Columbia
- Developed and invented multiple hydroponic systems for med-man brand and other major companies
- The world most cannabis specific fertilizers
- The worlds first and only ailment specific seed breeder
- Unbeatable customer service relations
- Consultations, management
- Production director @ AMMCan – the worlds largest , most advanced indoor production site of its kind
- North Americas most awarded breeder
- The world’s most awarded hydroponic system
- One of the world’s most awarded producers
Industry firsts:
- Adding the worlds most awarded grow method with my recipe for the worlds most awarded fertilizer
- Setting up the some of and the worlds largest indoor medical grow
- Win 6 trophies in 1 competition
- Win 3 cups in 1 competition
- Combine cannabis flower, seeds, fertilizer and hydroponic systems and grow method in 1 company from 1 website
- Over $3,000,000.00 in pro bono services world wide to the medical marijuana community and counting
- Provide personal growing, hydroponic systems and yield tips for free for everyone
- The worlds most awarded and cannabis only specific fertilizers
- The worlds first and only cannabis specific plant steroid
- The worlds first ailment specific seed breeder
- Unmatched customer direct services
- The worlds first plant specific amino plant treatment
- First company to openly test and promote its use with/for cannabis world wide
Natural remedies through lifestyle change can only be accomplished by being a leader and paving the way. I am proud of what i have accomplished and encourage others to take the same pride in why they are here and do their best at it.
med-man brand is a teacher, healer, inventor, strain creator and refiner, author, producer, writer, and warrior in the battle for personal freedom in all its shapes and forms.
Without further adieu I would like to graciously and humbly introduce AFN to Med Man Brand!! We are incredibly honored to have him here! Please give him a warm AFN Welcome to him and check out the links to his YouTube Channel, Blog, etc... He'll be in soon and I'm sure can answer any questions you may have!