Months back our beloved Briman (Brother of the Beerfridge!) sent me some links to a photoperiod breeder named Med Man. After watching his videos on YouTube I was totally blown away! So I asked him if he would come to AFN and he graciously accepted!! Med Man is not just a phenomenal breeder... He's much more than that! This is copied over from his site so as to accurately depict his bio here. This is the link to his site... http://med-man-brand.com/about/

Who is he?
Thaddeus Conrad, President and CEO of med-man brand – the world’s most awarded, first and only weed-seed-feed and more company

C.O.O. of Powerplant Inc – a California based production company

C.P.O. of Ammcan – the world’s largest indoor medical marijuana production site

Consultant – Supreme pharmaceuticals

What/when/where has he done?

  • 22 years experience/knowledge base in the cannabis industry
  • Most awarded North American: hydroponic system, seed breeding, fertilizer and flower company
  • Set up over 2000 kilowatts of medical grows in 7 years in British Columbia
  • Developed and invented multiple hydroponic systems for med-man brand and other major companies
  • The world most cannabis specific fertilizers
  • The worlds first and only ailment specific seed breeder
  • Unbeatable customer service relations
  • Consultations, management
  • Production director @ AMMCan – the worlds largest , most advanced indoor production site of its kind
  • North Americas most awarded breeder
  • The world’s most awarded hydroponic system
  • One of the world’s most awarded producers
Industry firsts:

  • Adding the worlds most awarded grow method with my recipe for the worlds most awarded fertilizer
  • Setting up the some of and the worlds largest indoor medical grow
  • Win 6 trophies in 1 competition
  • Win 3 cups in 1 competition
  • Combine cannabis flower, seeds, fertilizer and hydroponic systems and grow method in 1 company from 1 website
  • Over $3,000,000.00 in pro bono services world wide to the medical marijuana community and counting
  • Provide personal growing, hydroponic systems and yield tips for free for everyone
  • The worlds most awarded and cannabis only specific fertilizers
  • The worlds first and only cannabis specific plant steroid
  • The worlds first ailment specific seed breeder
  • Unmatched customer direct services
  • The worlds first plant specific amino plant treatment
  • First company to openly test and promote its use with/for cannabis world wide

Natural remedies through lifestyle change can only be accomplished by being a leader and paving the way. I am proud of what i have accomplished and encourage others to take the same pride in why they are here and do their best at it.

med-man brand is a teacher, healer, inventor, strain creator and refiner, author, producer, writer, and warrior in the battle for personal freedom in all its shapes and forms.

Without further adieu I would like to graciously and humbly introduce AFN to Med Man Brand!! We are incredibly honored to have him here! Please give him a warm AFN Welcome to him and check out the links to his YouTube Channel, Blog, etc... He'll be in soon and I'm sure can answer any questions you may have!

