Live Stoners Colorado meet up idea?


Stan the man
Nov 17, 2015
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In Oregon they had a tv show for growing and cooking with marijuana. On it they advertised a monthly meet up and it was amazing. People got together to show off their strains. Trade clones and make amazing friends. Anyone in Colorado interested in doing this?
Hey bud I appreciate the sentiment and idea of what you're proposing, but a proposal like this can be pretty risky on the internet. This is an international forum and unfortunately we never know who is on the other side of the computer. We'd have to be a bit daft to think that Law Enforcement Officers (LEO) don't browse forums like this trying to glean information and there would be no way of offering protection to anyone in the event someone got in trouble. Not to mention, it's not always just LEO, but rippers, thieves, and people that might just like what you have more than what they have. I'm not trying to be a debbie-downer on your idea, I just think you'd be better served finding a local chapter or group in your community than soliciting an offer to such a huge audience online. I hope you understand the concern for safety :bighug:
Yeah I wouldn't have people at my house showing off my grows. But meeting at a place and having a BBQ in a completely legal state I dont see an issue. It was an idea from a show that was broadcast locally for all to see and all was invited. I'm sorry brother but I'm not trying to hide in the dark nore am I afraid of being robbed.
I should maybe mention on bout every corner in Colorado you can buy weed in a store. Legally and pretty cheap. So I understand the risk if you wasn't able to do that, but here I think its not an issue. You can go to dumpster of major grows and get free weed.
That may be true in Colorado, but this is a public forum with people from all states and numerous countries worldwide :d5:. I would advise caution on the internet bud, it's simply a smart precaution. In an ideal world we wouldn't have to worry about things like this, but the world is far from ideal and even further from LEGAL, so I'd advise you to not publicly request things like this on the forum. If members want to PM about meeting up and things of that nature that's 100% on them, but publicly we'll advise using safety and common sense when dealing with subject matter that is still illegal in many places.

Appreciate your understanding, bud. Just looking out for the safety and security of our members. :hookah:
I gues I just don't understand what other states that are illegal will get effected by this. I dont understand what you are saying. Its legal here in sorry its not in other places. I have had the local narcotics division in my house openly and they loved my plants.
I gues I just don't understand what other states that are illegal will get effected by this. I dont understand what you are saying. Its legal here in sorry its not in other places. I have had the local narcotics division in my house openly and they loved my plants.

Hey bud, this isn't an argument or a discussion. I've explained to you why I'm asking you to not to do it and I think the reasons why are quite valid (and the same reason we've given every time this has come up for years now.) :toke: I'm not trying to scold you and you're not in trouble at all, so let's be clear on that, but I've given you my reason for safety and security and I'd appreciate if you'd respect that decision.

Let me give you a little example. About 6 months, maybe a year ago, we had a member on here who another grower found out they lived in the same city. The one grower said he wanted to help the other grower out, offered to go to the hydro stores with him and pick out nutes and get him setup. Very friendly offer. Total strangers. The guy being targeted said he didn't feel very comfortable with any of it. Well, as the week went on, this one member started BADGERING the other member, to the point where he was actually harassing him via PM's to meet up, asking why he won't meet him, wanting him to pick him up with his car, etc etc. Freaky stalker shit. Good intentions, guy seemed alright at first glance, but the moment things didn't go how he wanted them to go, flipped the switch and the psycho came out.

I would never knowingly put a member on here in a position like that. Because this is the internet, and like I said, you have NO IDEA who is typing on the other side of that screen. Common sense, safety, and security.

Thanks for understanding bud.
Yup completely and this is my last post on this site ty.
Hi guys,just thought I'd throw a few cents in.Being from CO does not eliminate any safety concerns as evident by home invasions( not that they haven't always been there regardless of what state) but the news brings it to the forefront when mmj/rm is involved ..I don't see a get together/BBQ with mj folk any different than a gun show,garden show or microbrew gathering since it is legal here,unfortunately there are still low life scumbags that would prefer to get things the easy way at the expense and safety of legal and law abiding citizens,one other thing ( if I recall correctly) is that even tho it's legal medically and recreationally ,there are still laws against using in "public" places..someday when it is completely decriminalized and it is growing in fields freely there will be no safety/security concerns,hope I live to see that day !!!....both of you guys bring up valid points +1 for that !!!!