NEWS Colorado and Caregiving

@budelee I'm still new to Co. When i moved here last year I was under the impression you could not be a care giver unless your responsible for the individual or open a dispensary, was laws different before?
Its all good @Magic i remember you making the move here..i only posted this because its something i have looked into..CO does have many options to allow a person to do what the love and still stay within the law...the reg about being responsible was something DOR was pushing for,but they still left "an interpretation" of the new reg,which could allow,making a phone call to the patients primary doctor as "being responsible" for that patient..driving them to the doctor..etc etc..but DOR did not make it madatory to do all these things all the time,this may be what caused the plant limit reg to be pushed...peace bro,no ill intentions were meant with my posts...
@budelee I'm still new to Co. When i moved here last year I was under the impression you could not be a care giver unless your responsible for the individual or open a dispensary, was laws different before?
The laws were different but in a more lenient way..which is why people pushed the boundries..which is what caused the regs to be "tightened"..well that and the greed for taxes from DOR,,in reality the dispensary owners have the same greed and love for money cause many of them were in on the proceedings because caregivers were not paying the same taxes they were..eliminate the smaller places and take more of the market...the whole MTRX tracking from seed to sale is full of holes and i can only guess that lots of product "falls from the system" this way...::;;edit,its the metrc system not MTRX
Hey @Magic in CO there are free magazines at most convenience stores like 7-11 with names like KUSH and Cannabis Connoisseur and a few others that cover events,news,and laws ,they are a good read for local stuff but also include national news and reg changes for the different states..oh,btw @Magic im ready to try some of your strains Colorado Proud bro!!
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Thanks for the info, always down ti learn new information
Im sure youv seen these mags at the store,they are free, and have loads of good recipes for food,reviews and such,the national news articles about laws in other states is really good to,it helps people keep up on when n which states are pushing for legalization..once florida opens to rec growing,im gone!!
Heres a couple articles from the September issue of cannabis culture( another free magazine) talking about some law changes,i didnt read it in detail cause im on my way out the door but this is why no matter what state ur in,you have to keep up with changes to the law,cause they can vary by county...peace