
I was reading that they're manipulating our body chemistry to make us thirsty.

Me on soda. 2 weeks without, I want a soda. Buy 4 cases, dying of thirst constantly, drink 48 of them in 3 days

When a soda company can get away with that, it's time to switch to something else. I make my own lemonade and orangeade
<<<< almost died from a food poisoning thru sodas...... i can tell you threwing up everthing u eat n drink for over 10 days isnt fun.....made me discover Juices and Water for me.... no more Sodas.
I have no doubt that drinking non diet Pepsi was the major contributing factor to the Mrs. diabetes. She switched to diet, which IMO is even worse. I had her convinced to give it up completely then her Doctor told her one a day was okay. I could have strangled him for that.

10 reasons to give up diet soda | Fox News
There is no safe amount of that sweetener. Dick Chaney in the seventies had the FDA approve it in the most unorthadox ways google it MUDDY and have the little misses read up on it
Nobel Prize winner Dr Otto Warburg discovered cancer cells thrive in a low-pH highly acidic environment. Cells become highly acidic due to prolonged psycho-emotional stress depleting adrenaline reserves and breaking the cell's Krebs' Citric Acid Cycle. This causes the cell to ferment glucose as an alternative means of obtaining smaller amounts of ATP energy, and lactic acid is released as the natural by-product of glucose fermentation. The somatid [tiny microorganisms necessary for life that live in our blood] pleomorphise into pathogenic viral-bacterial-yeast-like fungus to ferment rising glucose levels and lactic acid levels in cells, migrating to the cell nucleus and causing cell mutation and cancer. It has been shown that cancer cells find it difficult to survive in a pH of 8.0 or greater; yet this is because cancer cells are born out of a low pH highly acidic environment, and need the low pH lactic acid by-product of glucose fermentation to attract the cancer-fungus to create the cell mutations.

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Oh man. This is bad. I admit, I am waaaaaaay addicted to Coke. I drink the mexican Cokes, with the real sugar instead of corn syrup. Only because they taste better, for no other reason. I can tell you I have had to have dental work my entire life. I will most certainly have dentures in my older age. I will say, I love an ice cold coke. I know they are terrible for me. Have to find an alternative...
I read this thread about two months ago I was drinking about 20 cans a week maybe more I stopped drinking coke for a month and my whole body started to feel better, then I had just one coke (20oz) and my back started to hurt about 20 minutes later I hadn't had a sore back in nearly a month, then I realized that it's my kiddnys hurting from working overtime that was the last coke I ever intend to drink now I drink seltzer water if I want a carbonated drink, in the last two months I lost over 10 pounds pounds with no other changes in behavior and my BP went down

No more coke or any kind of soda for me