Grow Mediums Coco Rookie Need Advice

Oct 27, 2018
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Hi, its my first grow with coco and perlite mix. Let me tell you a little bit about my setup.
100x100x180 tent. 150w quantum board.
Plagron’s coco and perlite mix.
Canna Coco A-B
Canna Rhizotonic
I have 4 plants in my tent and today they are just 4 days old.
Daiquiri Lime
Think Different
Gorilla Og
Girl Scout Cookies
They are all autoflowers.
Temperature 25-28C, humidity 55-60 in my tent. I feed them 250ml water with 400ppm every 2 days.
My question is when should i add a CO2 bag in my tent.
And do you think my light is too far from my plants?
And i am open for any advice to make these ladies life’s better.
In my opinions, Co2 bags are a waste unless you're running a set up with no exhaust fan or air flow.
If you are just beginning this journey, leave off the CO2. Much bigger gains will come from learning to control your grow environment, and reading your plants etc. CO2 can have a place, but that is once your on your A game.... maybe. And then its tanks and timers. Those bags may give you a tiny boost, but honestly, it's money better spent upgrading your other equipment, lights, genetics etc. & 4 is a lot for a 3x3 running coco...
1. Forget about the Co2 bag, spend the money on something else like a Blue lab EC and/or PH pen
2. Start watering you plants every day (actually that should probably be number one)
3.Your light should be fine for seedlings and veg, probably get away with it all the way but I would consider a 300w for flowering for the tent size.
4.You did right to not put more than 4 plants in there, they will fill the tent completely (if you don't fuck up to much)
In my opinions, Co2 bags are a waste unless you're running a set up with no exhaust fan or air flow.
And mine. There are a lot of other things to get perfect first even if one is ready to seal up a grow for CO2.
1. Forget about the Co2 bag, spend the money on something else like a Blue lab EC and/or PH pen
2. Start watering you plants every day (actually that should probably be number one)
3.Your light should be fine for seedlings and veg, probably get away with it all the way but I would consider a 300w for flowering for the tent size.
4.You did right to not put more than 4 plants in there, they will fill the tent completely (if you don't fuck up to much)
Hi thanks for the advice. I already have a pH pen and EC meter. But as you say i won’t use CO2 this grow and focus on other elements. I am really worried about my light i’ll save my money to upgrade it.
Water every day!!!
And keep that coco wet.All of it.
If your tap root stretch to dry coco...:yoinks:
Good Luck!
And forget about CO2.