Photoperiod Coco+Pumice Autopot, MegaCrop 1-Part, 60 Watt LED, 2x2x4 tent.


Gave the re-vegged mum a good defoliation and topping yesterday to prepare her for CS treatment soon to get some pollen from this pheno. All this was also done to get more light through for the clones. And I also took the chance and put the new batch of clones closer to the light in a 200-350 ppfd range.

Now today, I noticed that the bigger clones, both in the tray and the ones transplanted last week, had some of their upper leaves cupping upwards or some edges curling up. The edges curling up happens every time with clones from this pheno when put in soil or peatmixes -and they end up overcoming the symptoms-, while when started in coco and kept in coco with hydronutes, it doesn't happen at all. Not sure yet why it happens... Temps in the tent at that height is max 26C / 78 F with RH at 50-60% with lights on, and we always get the same edge-curling symptoms even at colder temps (18C-20C) and even with much lower light intensity. Also notice how it happens on the bigger clones. So I've partially concluded this is due to overwatering and mediums that don't hold much oxygen and that this pheno must really like its oxygen at the roots. Will take this opportunity with all these clones to try to narrow down the reason. The cupping, on the other hand, is kinda new, and could be due to heat stress since it did show up almost as soon as there was more light, but i will have get myself an IR thermometer soon to start checking leaf temp and confirm this symptom; it could also just be the more advanced edge-curling symptom. Will have to wait, do more tests and see... won't be doing much about it for now, though, except getting the IR gun adn wait to see if the symptoms comes up in the smaller clones to.

And well, on other news... I found two more clones in the tray showing roots through the bottom so got them into 700-1000ml containers today... one of them has the cupping and leaf edge-curling symptoms . These two will be in 100% seedling mix (coco,peat,perlite), but the one in the brown container will get Mega Crop for nutes, and the other one only tap water until it shows deficiencies and only then will it be topdressed with EWC.

And, the overwatter clone in the bigger 7 lt container... still droppy and shitty looking.

Here are soem pics from today:
That trunk in the back! And 9 days since last pics? Really nice progress. They must like what you are doing.

Thanks! I was expecting the clones to do worse since I messed up the substrate I mixed adding too much rock dust and pH was really high and EC was also higher than I wanted, but they seem to be liking it. Still have to imporve VPD and the substrate aeration, though.

Here are some pics from today:
Clones are around 1 month old. The one doing the best so far is the one in my home-mixed organic substrate. That clone was the smaller one of the first two and it's still the shortest one but i think it has the the nicest structure and best overall look. Will get some better pics of the clones soon for better comparison reference. I'm going to try to reverse these clones soon, so that nicer one is going to be first one to be up-potted into a 3 gal fabric pot with the same substrate and i'll start spraying it soon.
BTW , the last couple of weeks i've had the light dimmed to the minimum potency to delay the mum's growth a bit while I setup another tent to have a veg and flower tent and have a controlled environment to revere the clones.

Anyhow, here are some pics from today:


Lamp still at min power (7 watts)... PAR meter reads 70 PPFD at 20 cm / (revegged mum's canopy), 40 PPFD at 34 cm / (4 clones' cannopy).
Will be transplanting at least one of the 4 clones into a 3 gal fabric pot with my organix mix tomorrow and put it and all the other clones into a new 2x2 tent to keep vegging them there and chooe a new mum from them while the old tent will soon enter into 12/12 since it will keep the revegged mum that will be used to get some pollen.

Any how... some pics from today:

Quick pic update

Transplanted the clone that will be the next mum into a 1 gal fabric pot with my organic mix and put it into a new 2x2 tent with my 3500k Autocob yesterday.
The revegged mum and other three clones stay in the old tent under.

pics from yesterday
Here's a dumb question: Do clones always have alternating nodes?

From what I've experienced... not always, but most times, yes. It seems to really depend on what part and in what moment you took the cutting from.
So, last week was hectic with lots of sutf at work and personal stuff. Saddly, the revegged plant was killed this weekend. I planned to use her to get some pollen but I had neglected her too much (let coco dry out too much and too frequently, watered with very low pH, etc) and even before begining the revseral process last week, she was not doing so fine. this plus the CS applications seem to just have gotten her to a point where she didn't look well at all being droopy and with several def symptoms that i couldn't get her back from.

Here's a pic of here this weekend before she was given her to a friend for composting:


On the other hand, the new mum is doing great in the separate new 2x2 tent with my organic mix under a 9 watts Phillips nightstand bulb (the Autocob was too hot for the new tent since i haven't acquired a good ventilation system for this new tent). I have her and three clones, one of which has been recently taken to a new home to be grown in coco in a nano-cabinet under 30 watts LED panel this weekend leaving me with two clones and the mum; and one the two remaining clones was transplanted into my organic mix to be used in replacement of the revegged mum to get some pollen, while the other will be a backup clone. I'll be updating about the new mum and these two remaining clones in this thread.

Pic of the clone that is at a new home in coco in a friend's small cab adn wil be getting MEga cRop as its mum was:

Thanks to all who followed this thread. Once I get a new photoperiod plant going in this setup, I'll resume this thread, but it'll be quite some time while that happens again... I have several Autos I need to grow before I go back to photo runs and even first of all a reversal run I also need to get out of the way. For now, I'll be experimenting a bit with organic mediums to hopefully move into the no-till world... to follow these experiments and the reversal process... continue following here.
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