New Grower Coco and dry amendments?

Coco is a fantastic medium... but it needs to be treated as hydro.
I've been looking into this whole thing and currently my feeling is to use a tea rather than dry amendments. Now to find a good formula
Can be done. Have run organic in coco myself, I found for the increase in labor the yields don't weigh out. I'd rather just add 1 more plant.

Now in a recirculating system, with automation, it shines once dialed in.

Any harvest that finishes with something you'd smoke with your friends is a success!
Any experiance with Earth Box style?
Its still going. I'm coming up on harvest for all of them. I've ran into major issues with all but one, but all of them are severely stunted. Extreme yellowing across the board. I'm not 100% certain where the main issue was but I know it was a mixture of everything. coco will shrink slightly as it dries which can break roots and cause lockout. Amendments need time to break down and compost. I believe I turned my light up too soon, too fast as well which caused stress itself.

I'm ditching coco for my next round and have started a few 10 gallon no tills. Will be expirementing with some 5 gallon super soil mixes as well. I had 3 autos in a 50/50 FFOF/coco mix that turned out fine and I have a random cookies auto I planted in a promix hp/compost mix that is also doing well, coco is just too unexplored in this methodology for me

BROTHER BROTHER BROTHER!!!! The very first thing I was going to say when you posted all your nutritients was "WHOOOAAAA!!!". "THATS WAAAAAY TO MUCH!!! Even at tiny doses my god!!!"

I only run Autos. Sooo....first things first....take all your nuts, and set em aside. Next get you some DTE or Dr Earth All Purpose and Bloom. 444 and 284 (whatever they offer).

Next, take your soil and measure the correct amount of each of Veg and a little Bloom, some perlite and a few cups of EWC. MIX IT UP AND YOURE DONE!!!!!

NOW, only use your nuts and make your teas (this is all you need, Seabird Guano, EWC, Alfalfa, Kelp, and Molasses.)

Continue to topdress every 3 weeks with All Purpose/Bloom. Use your teas, adjust for stages of growth, and feed them....I usually do 2 MAYYYBE 3 TEAs per run.

.THATS YOUR ISSUE, DIAL IT BACK, GET YOUR ALL PURPOSE AND BLOOM. USE THAT, then use your other stuff as tea. Only need a couple items!!!

Hope helps!!!

Stick with prewashed Coco/perlite (mother's earth 70/30 or Cultivation Nation. Boom baby you're done!
I'm running the Gaia green and having similar issues with the droopy leaves. I have to think my balance is off and likely used too much Phosphorus having added extra guano in pre-amending. so It now looks like magnesium or zinc deficiencies. added 1 ml/gallon organic liquid calmag and it started showing slightly darkened leaves. plant is developing slowly but still growing. I'm in week 5. anyway I popped more seeds and went back to basics with them at 3 tablespoons per gallon 70/30 grow n bloom and mycorrhizae. I'm not giving u on this method just yet 3 runs in having gotten over a gram per watt in my other grows. I'm guessing based on good luck and keep us posted. oh and I decided the calcium was ok so I used epsom alone. that was last night, so wait and see
Yeahhh bro, I learned my lesson very quickly quickly actually..... when amending medium, stay away from high NPK ratios...mix your all purpose and veg, then just take your worm dung, your alfalfa and kelp do it's magic. Roughly day 30-35...THATS when you blast their ssses with the greatest bud producer in early flower ever....the DTEarth SEABIRD GUANO!!!! Do it as a tea with ewc, kelp, alfalfa, molasses and seabird guano (not bat already have ewc for Nitrogen and you're about to topdress or already have, no more N.
I've been doing this for years before there was some guy on YouTube doing it !!I get killer results but my method is different than others I base my coco methodologies on a more living microbes type grow, I also named this style living coco
I added more perlite, about 35% total to my super soil and 1 gallon of expanded clay balls per 5 gallon pot.
I water and feed about a half gallon per plant every other day. I have to be careful and water slow or I have excessive
runoff. These girls are all organic and seem to be loving the soil tilth and extra aeration.

Nightowl Sativas Organic Grow

Day 32
