Lighting COB LED Veg light

Dec 14, 2016
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Whats up everyone! Long time lurker of these forums, recently dived into the world of COBs and i am obsessed. Im coming here for some ideas and information, both of which these forums are full of.

I am currently working with some guys that own a legal grow facility in Washington State. Their operation is relatively small at this point, but the warehouse has twice the space they are using and they are beginning to expand. With this expansion, I am trying to push COBs on them.

I have been doing a lot of research on COB set ups that work for flower, but im hoping to get some opinions on building a light specifically for veg. There isnt much out there regarding a light specific for veg, but i know someone must be running an awesome set up out there. These guys currently run 4ft, 54w T5s, using 4 and 8 bulb fixtures on 4'x8' tables. Any information regarding light spectrum and efficiency of T5s is also super appreciated as I can use it to compare the fixtures.

Happy grows my friends!
I'm not sure the exact efficiency numbers but I think flouro tubes are less than half as efficient as cobs. You can increase the temp to 4000k,5700k or even 6500k