Cloning Autoflowers

Aaahw thanks for the info.
i'm interested in how they look, but cant find your thread to check it out.

your biggest yield was 15g dry off of 1 clone?
Yeah 15g off one clone. I didnt post pics back then but if u go to the best auto clone thread u will find some.
Are you doing it just because you want to prove people wrong or to use this on a regular basis? Do you think you can achieve 100g dry? I have never cloned, but if you max out at like 28g would that be a plant you would want to grow? Or would you just stack them in to get a good harvest? What else is the benefit of cloning other than saving a seed? I know the plant will be the same, but is there something else I dont know of? This is very interesting to find out, I would love to be able to clone 1 of she a beauty. How many days was the girl who gave the 15g?

I started cloning them originally because i was curious on what would happen . i was cutting undergrowth and had been cloning photoperiods so i just did it second nature like. Then i started making observations and pondered the usefulness of it all. My breeding hobby started w some gg4 clones and have been used as the foundation of my genetics
I started cloning them originally because i was curious on what would happen . i was cutting undergrowth and had been cloning photoperiods so i just did it second nature like. Then i started making observations and pondered the usefulness of it all. My breeding hobby started w some gg4 clones and have been used as the foundation of my genetics
I dig that bro! I question everything, not to say folks are wrong I just like to look at things from every angle. Is there something missed, could I be doing this better. Sometimes people get to close to something and cant see obvious things, I do. I want to do all kinds of experiments, but not legal yet so stuck in a tent. Thanks for trying stuff like this it benefits us all in the end! I cant wait to start tinkering, word is should be legal in a 1yr or 2 and then it's on.