Cloning Autoflowers

Jun 30, 2018
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Currently Smoking
i just read this on the website of seedsupreme.
after i took a global look at the forum, i found out this is possible.

but how many members really tried it?
and is it worth the try or is it just that difficult for less experienced people?

this was the first time i ever read that the cloning of autos is possible. because on tons of websites they say it is impossible.


If you intend to cultivate cannabis from seeds and move on to cloning, doing so can be challenging with autoflowering seeds. While it’s not to say you cannot succeed with cloning autoflowering cannabis, it isn’t always easy to pull off. The reason being that by the time the plants begin flowering, they may not have reached a useful size for taking cuttings for cloning. It can and does work in some instances, but tends to be tricky at best. Other seed types may therefore be better if you intend to get into cloning.
i just read this on the website of seedsupreme.
after i took a global look at the forum, i found out this is possible.

but how many members really tried it?
and is it worth the try or is it just that difficult for less experienced people?

this was the first time i ever read that the cloning of autos is possible. because on tons of websites they say it is impossible.


If you intend to cultivate cannabis from seeds and move on to cloning, doing so can be challenging with autoflowering seeds. While it’s not to say you cannot succeed with cloning autoflowering cannabis, it isn’t always easy to pull off. The reason being that by the time the plants begin flowering, they may not have reached a useful size for taking cuttings for cloning. It can and does work in some instances, but tends to be tricky at best. Other seed types may therefore be better if you intend to get into cloning.

I have a thread where i started cloning and breeding autos from definitely do-able! Before i really dove into it all i heard was" no it cant be done " and so i started a cloning technique that has spread around some. I like to clone so that i can play w the genetics. I can cram 50 clones in an isolated chamber and make seeds in a 2x2 area
I have a thread where i started cloning and breeding autos from definitely do-able! Before i really dove into it all i heard was" no it cant be done " and so i started a cloning technique that has spread around some. I like to clone so that i can play w the genetics. I can cram 50 clones in an isolated chamber and make seeds in a 2x2 area
Can you link that thread please? Ive had 6 fails. Lets see how you do it. Maybe ive been being super dumb. [emoji3]

Think on it:
Does knowledge have intrinsic value or does it need to have a practical use to have value?
The thread is call"anyone try breeding w clones?" Id like to think i was the one who started the whole cloning autos trend.I see my tek being shared on other threads.
Are you doing it just because you want to prove people wrong or to use this on a regular basis? Do you think you can achieve 100g dry? I have never cloned, but if you max out at like 28g would that be a plant you would want to grow? Or would you just stack them in to get a good harvest? What else is the benefit of cloning other than saving a seed? I know the plant will be the same, but is there something else I dont know of? This is very interesting to find out, I would love to be able to clone 1 of she a beauty. How many days was the girl who gave the 15g?
The thread is call"anyone try breeding w clones?" Id like to think i was the one who started the whole cloning autos trend.I see my tek being shared on other threads.

Aaahw thanks for the info.
i'm interested in how they look, but cant find your thread to check it out.

your biggest yield was 15g dry off of 1 clone?
There a a handful of reasons clones make sense. For selective breeding u can use clones to make crosses based on how mom turns out . you can take multiple clones and make multiple crosses from the same mom w different pollen . you can s1 cross a mom w clones or reverse a clone from each potential mother and then save pollen from each to selectively breed with. U can cross multiple strains and plants to one pollen donnor in a small area. The possibilities are vast in that aspect.....

Another reason for cloning is to do side by side comparison of different environmental conditions like nutrients/soil , lighting,temps etc. Ive used it to tweak my organic soil blends.

If you have lower branches being trimmed out anyways , u might root it and get a lil more nug.
Some autos clone better than others ive grown a handful of tiny ones but they can still put out dozens to hundreds of seeds. Some strains yield decent for a clone but i think if u got over half ounce u killed it. Lots of them yield 5-10g