Niiiice! Jackson, did she really dry this fast, because this is a rather short time for it to do so,... Low RH and higher temps can accelerate things, but that's not always a good thing,.. it should be made to take at least 5 days, because it takes time for the breakdown process of chlorophyll and other things to happen, which improves the smoke quality a lot,...generally, 70F/50% RH, with gentle air movement is prime,...
As for the dark period, it's effectiveness is a conditional thing IMO,... so far to date, I've seen nothing that verifies any increase in cannabinoids, but does help increase terpenes, which in turn can affect the perceived potency of the bud,... heat, light (+UV), strong wind/air movement all contribute to the loss of terpenes over the course of a day... it's during the dark/night that they can regenerate,...without a doubt, my OD girls smell strongest mid' morning after a little Sun has warmed them up! :smoking:... Now for ID's, the env. stresses that evaporate and breakdown terpenes are usually not as pronounced as OD's, so the benefit is often less,... personally, I go about 24h of dark, with a careful eye on preventing mold promoting conditions: air movement, moderate temps and RH, and a pot that's well on the dry side,... timing your cleansing period, along with the dark period prior to actual harvest is anything but exact, it's day-to-day assessment and experience that help dial this in!