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I feel asleep looking at my seeds :baked:
Ah sure, there's always tomorrow...
Popping beans is worse than watching water boil. Don't do it. It makes for a very long day. Put them down to germ and go run errands or go to sleep, anything but peek at them every 10 minutes lol. The first time I ever tried to germ seeds I was like a crack head checking a window. Lesson learned...
I pop straight into soil so I know how much it sucks to wait lol. I'm at day 3 or 4 now and still seeing nothing :( any day now though!
Try my method next time you germ. I have never had a viable seed not crack and break ground within 48 hrs
Ugh now you've made me do it........ I've been on a 8 straight perfect germination rate lol. Now I'm sure I've just jinxed myself.
Maybe next grow I'll try your method though. 48 hours is a lot shorter.
Ugh now you've made me do it........ I've been on a 8 straight perfect germination rate lol. Now I'm sure I've just jinxed myself.
Maybe next grow I'll try your method though. 48 hours is a lot shorter.
I sent you my process in a dm
Yupp I always let my beans sit Float in water until they have cracked and have a good 1/2 inch tail then I put them strait into soil and usually within 24 hours all my beans are above soil and loving life 6-6 on my last beans they have been above soil for 4 days now