Choose your Lucky number-Win Mars Hydro TS 1000!

Anyone had any Moon Cakes yet? Nope, nothing to do with the Moon Rocks you thinkin about :crying: :crying: :crying:

mmm, dunno bout cakez, but me def luv me moon piez :biggrin: ppp

So how's this work? She announces a number and that person gets a light? They do this often?

each day until the 13th, tina postz a range of numberz to pick from...then u pick one & post it...ez pz ;) and yes, at the end, a number is picked by a random number generator & if it'z one of ur'z, then voila, u get a marz ts1000 :thumbsup: ppp
We pick a new number every day? Or the remaining numbers are up for grabs?

new number each day from the range she postz that day ;) oh, and u gotta be quick, cuz they're uzually gone in a couple hrz, lol :rolleyes2: ppp
That's what I thought and also why I'm confused. I picked a number today. I can pick another number tomorrow. What number actually wins? The one picked on the last day or a random day also chosen at that time?
I understand this, but if the new set of numbers come out every day, wouldn't the only day that matters be the last day? Still confused.
I understand this, but if the new set of numbers come out every day, wouldn't the only day that matters be the last day? Still confused.

it'z a diff range of numberz each day, so that in the end, the number randomly picked may be a number u picked on day 1 ;) ppp
I understand this, but if the new set of numbers come out every day, wouldn't the only day that matters be the last day? Still confused.
No, you can pick one number a day (if your lucky enough to get one) so, all those numbers/chances you picked are then yours. (The numbers are different each day) then on the final day one number will be picked, if its one of yours, you win!
So, if you manage to obtain 3 have 3 chances of winning. 6 numbers.....6 chances of winning ect......