Choose your Lucky number-Win Mars Hydro TS 1000!

what'z all this about china...i thought tina was in spain :confused1: ppp
It could possibly be a company wide thing if all their manufacturing is China based.... But I would think, unless it's an international holiday, customer service reps would still be available during normal business hours
Damn dont like any of those #'s lol Im not on here enough to keep up! 123 probably gone lol

thoze were yesterday'z numberz bro & all were picked ;) no numberz today :shrug: ppp
I choose 101.
(i hafta peepz even read the postz-? :rolleyes2: ppp)
You're right this is a huge problem.... Don't worry I'm on the case and I have a solution. In an effort to keep things simple and prevent future confusion I've decided to create a new rule......
I win ! LOL