Choose your Lucky number-Win Mars Hydro TS 1000!

congratz to @NucksNugs for winning the light :cheersmate: and a BIG shout to @MarshydroTina for sponsoring this event :slap: but hey tina, pleeze tell me ur not gonna run another one o' theze thingz anytime soon, eh-? :rolleyes2: and above all, shoutz, kudoz & all the rest to all of afn for givin this thread 41k viewz in jus 2 weekz! :yoinks: that'z gotta be a record, lol :headbang: ty for participating :thanks: ppp
Thanks @420Forever , your help here, the hard work :toke:
Yes, no the plan to run another one number game, but it seems @blue has a greater idea about the Halloween:woody:
Thanks @420Forever , your help here, the hard work :toke:
Yes, no the plan to run another one number game, but it seems @blue has a greater idea about the Halloween:woody:

um, yeah, and like a total sillee man, i volunteered to monitor the trick-or-treat thing......ahh! :face: :crying: ppp
Hey guys, how to use this function, reply directly? Or only support phone terminal

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    Points: 5
    Contest for Grow light