Choose your Lucky number-Win Mars Hydro TS 1000!

If I win this one and buy another 1000 it wud be the same as a 3000 if I had 3 1000s right? Thatd be good coverage for 4x4 area? Or if I dont win I cud buy a 2000 watt one when money allows and a 2000 plus 1000 wud rock it right?
3 TS 1000, can't cover 4x4, which can cover a long room, 2x6 :smoking:
I think I only missed 1 or 2 numbers so far. Thank you. Best of luck to all also! And thank you Mars Hydro and thank you Tina for the great fun game. You guys are awesome! We all having fun here
Good luck to you! How many numbers do you take yet?
I know I was so sad. I'm 420 too. (It was in my name b4 you joined the site. Lol) I picked northern lights as my username b4 the 420 because I'm from the upper peninsula of Michigan and the northern lights are beautiful up here when they can be seen. That and I also enjoy the weed strain from my childhood memories. Northern Lights is the shit. But blueberry by dj short is my all time fave

my name is what it is'z what i am, plain & simple :rofl: :shrug: but seriously, the NL have alwayz been second on me list of thingz i'd like to see...after the pyramidz ;) ppp