Bomb Seeds Cherry Bomb in CoCo

Some sad times in the tent with the gaia green. I'm not really sure what to say about what happened. But it's definitely reboot time for another cherry bomb. After the initial water at 6.3ish ph I watered again on day 8 @6.5. I'm not really sure what went wrong. I'll maybe keep documenting it just for giggles but it's definitely time to start a new Bomb. I'm a little gun shy now with the gaia green so I may run with coco and see how that works out. @Garage_Grower has been tutoring me on the ins and outs of coco and I'm kinda digging it so far.

Day 10
Hmmmm you thinking something in the soil isn’t being kind to the seedling? I know nothing about Gaia Green, how well does it retain moisture? Hopefully she gets her feet under her and takes off soon for ya!
Hmmmm you thinking something in the soil isn’t being kind to the seedling?
I not ready to blame the soil, but something is definitely off with what I did. The seedling looks even worse today, it's lost quite a bit more color. Maybe I didn't judge it correctly and over water it, or the soil doesn't like the PH in the 6.3-6.5 range. It would be nice to find another grow using the premade living soil.
I've seen sprouts look way worse than that turn out to be monsters, dont give up yet!

There is no quit in me ! I'm going to keep her alive to the end. I was really excited to try the gaia green, the guy at the shop said it's simple, just water the first month. She's lookin pretty ugly at day 17 and hasn't grown much. I've kept her in the solo cup still because she doesn't deserve a bigger pot yet lol.. I will probably xplant her in a day or so. I wonder if this is a case of the soil is just too hot for auto's ? I have another seedling in this soil suffering the same fate.

@the green bandit was kind enough to let me reboot a seedling for the 2020 leg 1. Here she is @ day 2 in Beatspeat coco.

CherryBomb Day 2 in COCO
Day 2.jpg
I would say with almost 100% certainty that this soil is too hot. It looks a lot like the issues people were getting from Fox Farms stuff when that first hit the market. It may be that it needs cutting with some coco or perlite to take some of the heat out of it.
So I compromised, I didn't let the gaia green stay in a solo cup, but I wasn't going to give her a big pot either.

Day 10 in coco coir, and day 25 in gaia green
day 10.jpg
We are at day 20 now. I topped her yesterday. I am feeding mega crop @4g/gal and 1/4 tsp/gal cal/mag. I think she is looking a little bit pale/lime green. I am assuming that she might be hungry for more nutes ?

Day 20.jpg