Dinafem Cheese Auto in soil indoor

@Dinafem-Mark any advice on growing this specific strain?

Is there a noticeable difference between 23/1 and 20/4 in growth? I've started to give the plants a rest for about 1H30m daily and don't know if it really makes a difference. Any advice welcome.

This is a highly debatable topic but I'll weigh in my opinion :thumbsup:

With autos some growers swear by 24/0 lighting with no dark period and these grows do very well.

Now I'm in the firm belief that a dark period is needed so the plant will give the best potential. Your plants need a rest and we have found that 18/6 is not enough but 20/4 was the best option imo. Giving the plants that 4 hours of dark/rest does help but again this is my opinion and very debatable.

Personally I would go with the 20/4 mate as just 1 hour is not enough rest period for the plants.

Why not do an experiment? This way you'll find our what works best for you and you'll gain knowledge along the way :bong:

I would go with 20/4 though :bong:

All the best

I will try the 20/4 and see how it goes. Was also thinking that 1 hour was not a lot of rest time. So I will switch it this week and see how the plants react to it. Thanks for your input :thumbsup:
I will try the 20/4 and see how it goes. Was also thinking that 1 hour was not a lot of rest time. So I will switch it this week and see how the plants react to it. Thanks for your input :thumbsup:

I think you'll see a difference mate :bong:

Keep us posted on your progress and light regime testing :bong:

All the best

Just an update to show how my babies are doing.

I changed the light schedule to 20/4 and running it from 10:00 - 06:00 because I think with us going into winter, it might be better for the temp to have the dark cycle during a warmer time. Anyway, I've fed them with some random nutes I've wanted to try every other watering. I did water every second day, but starting to water every third day now and giving a bit more water at a time.

I've also changed the distance to the COB LED's because I think I'd like a bit more node spacing.

As always, any and all advice would be appreciated.


Unfortunately with these full spectrum COB LED's the colour doesn't look right, but I can assure that the colour is a nice deepish green and looking very heathy. I'm hoping for a good harvest, but being about one month old, I'm starting to doubt that it's going to be a good harvest.
Good call on putting the lighting regime on 20/4 mate and your light hours make perfect sense. Better to have lights off when warmest outdoors which you have done :bong:

I know with the led this can make it hard to see the plants true colour but I can see everything looks happy, healthy and progress well :bong:

Thanks for the update my friend. I'll drop back in on the next :thumbsup:

All the best

Just a minor update.

Took my baby outside to get a decent look at the colour and snap a couple of pics for future reference.

This is about 6 weeks from seed and is starting to flower.

Can anyone tell me if I can expect a bit of stretch out of this lady during flower? I hope there is some stretch and serious bulking up to come.



With cheese auto you will get a 1x - 1.5x stretch my friend :thumbsup:

Nothing major and as flowering has started the stretch phase will begin if not already in action :pass:

Looking nice and healthy and progressing well :thumbsup:

Thanks for the update mate I'll drop back in on the next :bong:

All the best

Sorry for not being on the ball with the updates, life's been crazy, more so than most of the time.

Anyway, here is a pic I took yesterday when I took it outside to view it in regular light for inspection. She is now at about two days short of 10 weeks.


and a closer shot


Not to sure will get 1 oz off this lady, but what I can say is the smell is heavy cheese. So so looking forward to smoking this, can't wait.

If you had to guess, I know it's very hard, but how long do you think this is still going to take? The Dinafem site says 70 days, but I would assume that this is an indication only? I was thinking maybe another two weeks or so and it should be done? What's your opinions? I will check it with my magnifying glass anyway.
Sorry for not being on the ball with the updates, life's been crazy, more so than most of the time.

Anyway, here is a pic I took yesterday when I took it outside to view it in regular light for inspection. She is now at about two days short of 10 weeks.

View attachment 933131

and a closer shot

View attachment 933132

Not to sure will get 1 oz off this lady, but what I can say is the smell is heavy cheese. So so looking forward to smoking this, can't wait.

If you had to guess, I know it's very hard, but how long do you think this is still going to take? The Dinafem site says 70 days, but I would assume that this is an indication only? I was thinking maybe another two weeks or so and it should be done? What's your opinions? I will check it with my magnifying glass anyway.

You are 100% correct mate. The time given for harvest is just an estimated time and this is down to the grower to determine. Like you are with a loupe or scope. Trichome development will let you know the best time to harvest.

Keep watching those trichomes and you'll know the right time.

What do the trichomes look like now when examined?

Going from the pictures I would say 14 more days should be perfect.

Keep us posted on this mate :pass:

I'll drop back in on the next update :bong:

All the best
