New Grower Cheap Ghetto Build - 2nd Grow (1st was a failure)

Apr 6, 2017
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Currently Smoking
OG Kush
Hey AFN! So I'm trying my 2nd grow now. I hope it's a success, but I still don't have a Ph checker. Can't get one here as I live in a rural area. My goal is to just get 5 to 10 grams. That would last me around 5 to 10months. I have very low tolerance. Just doing this for a hobby, not gonna sell it or plan on growing monster plants.

Submerged the seed for 12hrs in water. Then planted it in the 3gal soil right away. Here she is, 2 days above ground. Purposely had her stretch a bit so it wouldn't be the same as the 1st grow. I think it's easier to water the soil like this, without the leaves obstructing the soil when watering.

So here was the 1st grow:

Seed: Auto Mandarin Haze from ministryofcannabis
Soil: mixture of rice hull and cow manure. No vermiculite this time.
Lights: 4x65w CFL - 2 warm daylight, 2 cool daylight
Nutes: Regular growth and bloom nutes, not the granular shiz anymore.
Water: Tap that will be sit for more than 24hrs
Temp: avg30C (I know quite high)
RH and PH level: No idea - don't kill me about this one.
Week 1 update. Is it underfed? It looks pale and edges are a bit light brown. I don't think it's nute burn. But I can see the 2nd set of leaves protruding from the middle. And it's green if that matters.. What do you think? Help please?

Same day update: Soil was bone dry. Decided to give it a super light feed. 1/10 of a teaspoon. I'm at the assumption that it's underfed because the cotyledons are also turning light yellow, meaning the serrated leaves are eating the cotys already. Or am I wrong?

I'm trying this landrace in a cup noodle. I just wanna see how big would a plant be if it's in that small cup because if it is quite ok, I might consider this for autoflower.
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2nd week update. Are they super under fed? Will it cause more harm than overfeeding? I have just watered them and fed them. Hopefully she'll get darker. I believe the lime green color is due to nitrogen deficiency. Please correct me if I'm wrong. She's growing faster than the 1st week though.

something is way out of whack,soil to strong/high low ph,to hot/underwatered not what you wanted to hear pal but i dont know what to say.
popping into the infirmary would be best thing to do.
good luck.
something is way out of whack,soil to strong/high low ph,to hot/underwatered not what you wanted to hear pal but i dont know what to say.
popping into the infirmary would be best thing to do.
good luck.

Hey Archie, thank you for that! She seems doing well now after the feed. The part of the leaves which are closest to the stems are getting dark. While the tips that were almost white are getting back their color too! But I think it still lacks. Will wait after 24-36hrs if she improves. If not, I'll give her more nutes for her next drink.
Hello @wizkulafu
What is your water source? Was that cow manure composted? As Archie said, something is really out of whack.

Just tap water which has been sat in open water for 24hrs. I think it's my PH level is whack. I've ready that if your soil has some weird PH fluctuations, it causes mutations on your plants. Look at my baby, it's not growing symmetrical.

Yes manure was composted. But this batch of soil is quite old. I bought it fresh from a gardening shop here. When I opened it before for my 1st grow, it was still moist. But when I opened it for my 2nd grow, after 2months or so, it was really really dry. I've read here somewhere that soil can't be totally dry because the micro organisms in the soil would die. Like the "nature" of the soil will die if it dries out totally. Not sure if this is true though because I can see some gents here buying soil from hardware or from an online vendor. I don't think those packed soil are moist all the time..

Anyway just to update. After 24hrs of feeding, she seems back on the right track. There are still some yellowing on the leaves but you can definitely notice the green color taking over. Will give more food next feeding because I'm still not yet satisfied with its color. It's still close to lime green. Not the shade of green that this forum has, like my blank avatar or the tabs on the bottom that says "Home", "Forums", "AFN Grow Journals", etc. I know you get what I mean ;)
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The roots are burnt for sure, your problem is the nutes my friend