Outdoor CHAZE



Hi everyone
Haven't posted a lot on this site as this has been my first year growing autos
and on the whole its been pretty disappointing as far as yield has been concerned. I've grown lowboldt and ak48 and the yields have been small, altho the ak48 was probably the best smoke I've tried this year (smashing) - but only cropped 8 gs for two plants :). Needless to say it didn't get shared around a lot!
Any way I planted 2X ak48 and the 3X chaze on the 2nd of July but they all had a bit of a spider mite problem when they were young and I believe this is why the chaze and the ak48 are both smaller than advertised.
I cropped the ak48 mid September however as the chaze was a super auto then I expected it to take at least 6 weeks longer and now on the 12th of october they don't look anywhere ready yet. I haven't even started to flush as under the 30X microscope all of the trichomes are still clear and none are misty or amber, also all of the hairs are white. They stand at between 2 and 3 feet tall.

Whats a bit disappointing is the difference between phenos are quite large from short and stocky to bushy and spindly yet they were all grown in the same way I guess there needs to be more work done on stabilizing them.
However they absolutely stink and are as sticky as can be, covered in crystals.
My day time temps are still around 25ºC but my night time dropped to around 13 a few nights ago but am averaging at around 16 and forecasted for the next week the same. I might have to finish them off indoors if they have more than two weeks left under my leds?
Here are a few photos





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Nice to know you are all interested no worry's I like to talk to myself anyways :) I think I can c a few trichs going milky but not sure so anyway am beginning to flush tomorrow What do you guys think
Ive been reading weedkillers indoor nft chaze grow and I was interested in what stitch had to say about altering the light period which led me to think as they were growing in august when the nights were starting to get longer is perhaps why the plants are shorter than I expected will plant in may next year to compare results what do you guys think
Yep, i had the same thing, my first chaze was nice and big, but the other two which i planted about 40-45 days later are tiny in comparison, which personally for me is/was good as i wouldn't of been able to keep enough good water to keep them all happy in the spanish heat if all 3 them where huge...
ty for your reply and it is good to know that its not me :) I think you can play with these babys a little
I think that it may be poss to take a few cuttings off of each plant as well
i've read your chaze days blog and am well impressed
I live in spain as well nr almeria and yes it was a hot year
have you had any probs with caterpillars they have been a real bane this year for me with all of my outdoor stuff around mid september to now
anyways tx for popping in
I noticed a few misty trichomes today and as it was 106 days into the cycle ive decided to start the flushing process also I think I will bring them inside under my leds for the last two weeks as last night it dropped down to 10 degrees will post some photos in the next couple of days tx for watching :)
I am surprised they didn't get bigger.

The black pots baking in the sun might not have done you any favors.
well they are beautiful plants.. well grown mate!! but ive had trouble with black pots... in sunlight daytime temps spike in excess of 110 degrees... which doesnt agree well with the roots...

couple solutions: 1 dont use black pots... lol i know obvious...

2) when you set your pots up set them where greass, soil, or another pot with an inch space between it and the real pot... this will prevent the hot spikes from the sun...
yes for sure during august and september they were protected by block work around the pots but in october its not so hot and I changed their location for security reasons


this was not a auto flower but it was the first pic that came to hand to show the protection I used during the hot months around the pots


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Sorry man , but CHAZE is very stable super auto, not genetic problems here
tx for popping in stitch
- I'm not complaining, there were just different phenos in the three strains I tried.
However I'm happy with them for a late season outdoor grow and if this is anything to go by I'm looking forward to trying them again.
We had conversations on what would happen if planted in July and I think we have seen what happens: a shorter smaller plant.
I've read some comments you made in weeedkillers grow blog and you suggested reducing the light time to stunt growth after he put too many plants in too small an area. In effect, this is what we have in this case, as when it was vegin the light was not far off 12/12 outdoors and when I brought them in for the last week it was 9.5/14.5 light to dark ratio outside.
I am not the only person to notice this happening with late planting outdoors with Chaze ..

Its good to know you are here with such a good understanding of the strains you produce and the different ways to grow them to suit individual growing requirements. Early in the spring I will take this knowledge i've gained and apply it to growing a shorter plant indoors and try SCROGING them and I will also be planting a couple in good old mother earthy for sure in April.
(But for the next grow I will be growing some mi5 (which I believe is yours too) and some WW autos (which I am testing for a breeder) under both led and hid in a comparison grow)

Also I had a big prob with caterpillar with the bushy pheno and this reduced it hugely here's a pic of one finishing off under my fero864 LED


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