New Grower Changing from HPS/MH lights to LED

Sep 8, 2014
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Hi all,

I know this is a bit of an open ended question but following reading lots of diaries on the forums and seeing the results obtained from using Led's I am seriously considering swapping my current 2800W HPS/MH setup for led's

I am wondering how much heat the led units actually give off? And can someone give me a comparison i.e a ###W led unit is about the same heat at a ###W HPS etc.

In the summer its a killer using HPS/MH lighting due to the heat so perhaps leds might be the way to go..

I am reading some good things about the grow northern units...

Is it possible to give me some example of how many of what led unit will equal my current 2800W HPS setup?

Stab in the dark 1 unit replaces a 250w hps, times 11 say 825w +/-
Just ordered one of the new GN Holographic 1 lights. Going to see how it gets on. Looks like I will need 10-12 or so of them of which will be the best part of £5000...however they will apparently run for 5.7 years continuously! (50000 hours) And in the summer months I allways seem to get a reduced yield due to heat from the dirty HPS/MH's
If you can stomach that amount im sure you will end quids in thats like 30p ish an hour saving
Plus ballast losses you must be on 3kw/h....... wow
why dont you ask a grownorthern rep. need to know the size of you grow area + there's different lenses but i did read they could be used on a commercial basics. as for heat you will have to add an heater.
they are saying the HS1 matches a 250w butthey also said these would match the min. will be 250w:kusht::goodluck:SJ