New Grower Chandys Virgin Grow :)

I forgot to mention this - the day we were talking about Jolene, I watched American Idol that I still needed to watch on the DVR, and one of the girls did Jolene and I legitimately LOL'd.

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and BTW - can we get a little update on the grow? damn....;) lol

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and BTW - can we get a little update on the grow? damn....;) lol
I forgot to mention this - the day we were talking about Jolene, I watched American Idol that I still needed to watch on the DVR, and one of the girls did Jolene and I legitimately LOL'd.

Exactly the same thing happened to my wife and I! Jessica Muse sang it...what an icy, egotistical bee-otch she is....

Go Caleb!

Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled Chandy (Jolene ;) grow!
Trapper- Im glad to find another Idol fan here!

See now, I liked her version of it. I mean sure, it wasnt the best performance of the night, but all in all, i liked it! I havent been a fan of her from the night probably made me find her most annoying...she sounds too much like Stevie Nicks and I haaaaaaaaaaaate Stevie Nicks' voice lol I saw no reflections in any snow covered hills. I want my money back! :roflcry:
We like Caleb too, but my boyfriend and I don't see him winning..but absolutely top 3.
My favorite is Alex..we always make fun of what an oaf that kid is, haha.

Do you have Top 3 predictions?
Caleb, Jena and grumpy cat ;)
GRUMPY CAT! Wasn't he calm for so much noise and fanfare going on around him? (We're cat people....;) )

Top 3 is all boys (nothing against girls, just the situation) Caleb, Alex, Sam

You may be right about Caleb....He has it all EXCEPT looks...for a pop star he's just too chunky (I'm not one to talk though, a little past chunky myself)
Kinda like Casey Abrams a couple seasons ago.

Alex is as talented plus a really good musician, but he is SUPER awkward and a little zitty. I think he may also be on the Autism spectrum (Aspergers, probably)

Sam, I think, is gay and may not know it. Which is fine but I think that's why he is having such a hard time connecting with the screaming, little girls in the audience.
But he has the great looks and enough "now" talent.

Jena, I just don't like...her voice's forceful, middle range, projection is not my cup of tea.

It's shaping up to be a weird final few weeks.
I forgot to mention this - the day we were talking about Jolene, I watched American Idol that I still needed to watch on the DVR, and one of the girls did Jolene and I legitimately LOL'd.

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and BTW - can we get a little update on the grow? damn....;) lol

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and BTW - can we get a little update on the grow? damn....;) lol

Haha, you'll never be able t listen t dolly again without Chandy on the mind :-p lol. Of course... My growseph, forgot about that. Jokes of course. Give me ten and I shall have some pics of my twins up :) Their baby sister was born this morn :-D A wee northern lights. They're looking good enough to smoke :-D
Sorry, Chandy...we totally sidetracked your thread.

Carry on!
GRUMPY CAT! Wasn't he calm for so much noise and fanfare going on around him? (We're cat people....;) )

Top 3 is all boys (nothing against girls, just the situation) Caleb, Alex, Sam

You may be right about Caleb....He has it all EXCEPT looks...for a pop star he's just too chunky (I'm not one to talk though, a little past chunky myself)
Kinda like Casey Abrams a couple seasons ago.

Alex is as talented plus a really good musician, but he is SUPER awkward and a little zitty. I think he may also be on the Autism spectrum (Aspergers, probably)

Sam, I think, is gay and may not know it. Which is fine but I think that's why he is having such a hard time connecting with the screaming, little girls in the audience.
But he has the great looks and enough "now" talent.

Jena, I just don't like...her voice's forceful, middle range, projection is not my cup of tea.

It's shaping up to be a weird final few weeks.

Im a cat person myself...only I somehow let Sara McLaughlin coax me down to the SPCA one fateful day...and 3 years later Im still sitting with the 70 pound lap dog, spawn of satan. NEVER AGAIN SARA MCHLAUGLIN. NEVER A -FREAKING- GAIN! lol.

Really? Caleb Alex and Sam huh? I could definitely see that. Im nodding with agreement over here, you just cant see it - haha. Sam very well could be gay haha i dont think it had ever crossed my mind. Awkward is the word I think of with him. I know the judges keep saying he needs to connect with the audience, but I dont think thats 100% of his problem. He is indeed talented but hes....awkward. Did you watch Americas Got Talent? He reminds me of 'Sprice' with the only difference being that sprice hit every branch on the way down lol both with a very awkward demeanor, shy, and showing little emotion. But seeing as Sam's got the 13 yr old girl vote, it might be in the bag lol
Aww Casey Abrams<3 I loved him! Have/did you hear his song? I dont know that it ever hit airwaves (i dont listen to the radio) but I randomly came across it a while back and its really catchy lol.. completely not what I remember casey being like..but definitely catchy none the less lol.
Wheredaweedat, I'll move my response over to your new chat thread ;)

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Dang! They all look really healthy. Which one is the last couple pics? (the ones that look sorta "sativa-y")
Day 24 Auto Pounder with Cheese (Darker one) and Cream Caramel Auto (Lighter one) - Day 1 Northern Lights Auto (Baby one)

Hey folks. Just a wee update on all things growtiful :)

Things are all going well so far (touch wood). Auto Pounder is currently at 29cms and Cream Caramel is 24cms. As you can see by the pics it all went a bit Pete Tong due to low PH issues but they seem to be recovering pretty well. A couple o the bottom leaves are looking pretty rough on the Auto Pounder and theres still a wee bit o yellow in newerish growth but (after a brief pause) shes growing like a good un again and doesnt seem to be having any issues.
If anyone can tell me different though let me know (im just guessing from the vibes maaan :-p )
Think Different, Pineapple Punch x 2 and Afghan Kush Ryder all failed t germ (Hopefully ive got the methods down now) so purchased some Northern Lights. Doing them one at a time though so i dont balls it up again.
The first of 5 was birthed this morn and shes looking mighty fine.
Think thats about it f the update.... Alls well and good in Chandy Town :-D YAYY!!!!
Any comments, questions, quires and such the like hit me up :) Peace.

PS - I have the photography skills of a blind 4 year old so apologise if the photos aint much cop. Peace.

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Wheredaweedat, I'll move my response over to your new chat thread ;)

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Dang! They all look really healthy. Which one is the last couple pics? (the ones that look sorta "sativa-y")

Pics redone again, phone went in t meltdown.
That bad boy is the Auto Pounder with Cheese. Shes a foot tall now and already really stinky :-D Love love love her!! <3

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Wheredaweedat, I'll move my response over to your new chat thread ;)

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Dang! They all look really healthy. Which one is the last couple pics? (the ones that look sorta "sativa-y")

Pics redone again, phone went in t meltdown.
That bad boy is the Auto Pounder with Cheese. Shes a foot tall now and already really stinky :-D Love love love her!! <3