Chandy, Chandy, Chandy... Girl, you're about as crazy, cool, n entertaining as they come! What I wouldn't do to be able to sit back, blaze up a phatty with you, talk some shit, and compare corny jokes!
Cheers man :-D Have one with me know :sharing one:

Same goes f a lot o people on here.... So many characters id love t get my blaze on with. Tis a shame its a forum with illegal tendencies so people cant get a bit more personal.... *wink wink nudge nudge* haha.
<deleted> Trust the one hobby/passion i have t be of the illegal variety. Aint the sort o hobby i can out on my cv either

Hey no problem.. To stake them, get some bamboo stakes at the nursery and stick a few in the soil around the edges of your pots. I like to stake early so I don't damage roots but it's ok to do it now considering the alternative. Use pipe cleaners (whatever you call them over there) and tie the branches to the stake, that way they don't fall over with the weight of the buds towards the end! You can also use twine or string or whatever to tie them up with.
Since you already have the light and ballast, the cool tube reflector is pretty cheap by itself. It will help so much, I can't say enough about them.. I promise I don't work for them! You can get so much closer and the heat is almost nothing which is why I stick with my HPS over led. Your harvests will improve in every way, I promise! Here is a link I found.. $56 US with free shipping! I'm sure you can find them over on your side of the pond for about the same price.
Good luck on your next grow, you'll do great!
:Sharing One:
It just so happens i have bamboo sticks and twine. Sooooo much twine!! My fellas grandad must give us some every other week.... That or jute, lol.
A couple o the really wobbly ones ive tied t the main stem with twine just f the now.
Reckon ill be in no fit state f it tmora (tis saturday night after all :-D) so Monday i shall get on it
Really lookin forward t the next grow, ive learnt so much in this one theres gonna be a vast difference in quality im reckoning. Im proud of my crean caramel though. So proud. My official first born n the best smoke ive had in loooong timezzzzzzz!! Im a proud mama :-D
The cheapest ive seen so far (although ive not had a proper look) is £40, reckon ill find one cheaper though.. ALWAYS WAIT F THE BARGAINS!!!!!!!! Lol.
Thanks again f looking in squire :sharing one:
Hey chandy. All well with you?

Have you been flying lately or all the time?
Im always flying... on life tdam my man

.....Amongst other things

Im all good in the hood my brother, Loving and living and all that jazz :-D
How are you and the tdam famalam? That nipper o yours melted your heart with his wee smile yet?

:sharing one: