Indoor CFL Grow / Light cycle

I am currently about to finish a grow with 200w CFL that has been on 24/0. (see sig :D)

From what I see, my results are better than I expected.

Since it is going to get hot in the next couple months, my next grow will be 20/4 to mitigate the hot part of the day.

We'll see the difference then, i guess!
most seem to think the whole nature cycle is needed and it is like nammy pointed out..if youll note from the average organic grow for example the 24/0 cycle and the 18/6 cycle.your plants if the same style is used the 24 hr cycle will be slightly more stressed.why? well its tired and stressed just like you get but the note i mentioned is them increasing various methods as far as feeds n the like(as quote by oldster well in articulation of styles in growing) so it helps them stay less stressed and similar behavior modifications.which isnt needed generally speaking with a period of a handful of hours of rest and it builds better buds too imo.Im not about yield only quality and i too like the 18/6 method myself. thats my take on it.i even go lesser actually that an straight 18/6 some days im using less light than an 18/6 too. sooo."AFN smoke out" but nboth are totally good and doable but again imho the 18/6 is a better easier way to start to grow autos with.or photo veg if your so inclined.