Mephisto Genetics CDLC, 4AM, SL/3BOG & a SL oddity

Hell yeah!! My germ method I got from @Ripper And I'm 100% to date✌️ it's same as yours other than I just use distilled water. And it makes a huge difference when you get an email back from a company it lets me know they believe in what they do instead of just wanting the money from it lol I like them to want both then I'm comfortable with a vendor ✌️
Hell yeah!! My germ method I got from @Ripper And I'm 100% to date✌️ it's same as yours other than I just use distilled water. And it makes a huge difference when you get an email back from a company it lets me know they believe in what they do instead of just wanting the money from it lol I like them to want both then I'm comfortable with a vendor ✌️
Easy germ method work every time..
Yeah I've always used distilled water, figured if I'm going to try everything new on this grow I shouldn't hold back! My germ rates have usually been high, just not 3 days from dunk to sprout..mine usually run more like 5 to 6 days... figure the Zeus juice with its humic acids probably help soften the shell...

Bout the only things I'm doing the same as always is, lights above the plants... all my constants have become variables!
Hell yeah!! My germ method I got from @Ripper And I'm 100% to date✌️ it's same as yours other than I just use distilled water. And it makes a huge difference when you get an email back from a company it lets me know they believe in what they do instead of just wanting the money from it lol I like them to want both then I'm comfortable with a vendor ✌️
It does indeed make a difference, makes me WANT their product to work...I like people that do what they do cause they love doing it...and believe in what they're doing...
It's also another reason for this grow...mephisto...this is my second auto run... mephisto strikes me as genuine as well...if I hadn't found afn, I'd be a month into a photo run, and writen off autos. In 20 years, I've never had a photo plant turn out as poorly... shit, my first grow was a disaster, and the weed got you high... the autos I ran over the summer looked good, size, yeild...but cigarettes would get you higher.

So yes, mephisto, another company that I WANT to work as advertised. Honestly am not worried... I have a hard time believing all these meph fan boys are getting a placebo high!
Yeah I've always used distilled water, figured if I'm going to try everything new on this grow I shouldn't hold back! My germ rates have usually been high, just not 3 days from dunk to sprout..mine usually run more like 5 to 6 days... figure the Zeus juice with its humic acids probably help soften the shell...

Bout the only things I'm doing the same as always is, lights above the plants... all my constants have become variables!
It does indeed make a difference, makes me WANT their product to work...I like people that do what they do cause they love doing it...and believe in what they're doing...
It's also another reason for this grow...mephisto...this is my second auto run... mephisto strikes me as genuine as well...if I hadn't found afn, I'd be a month into a photo run, and writen off autos. In 20 years, I've never had a photo plant turn out as poorly... shit, my first grow was a disaster, and the weed got you high... the autos I ran over the summer looked good, size, yeild...but cigarettes would get you higher.

So yes, mephisto, another company that I WANT to work as advertised. Honestly am not worried... I have a hard time believing all these meph fan boys are getting a placebo high!
I know both plants I harvested on my very first auto grow are good quality smoke especially the skunk it's all gone now I've smoked it up it was real fire! I to have couple Mephisto Growing and I had to do another skunk to hahaha but yes Mephisto is Hands down my pic for customer service now I'm like you hoping there products turns out to be a long-term relationship ✌️
Christmas 6 for everyone, except the SL replacement girl, she's at day 2. Today is a must and cruz day.
NFTG nutrients work quite well, however it’s an excessive amount of bottles and so very time consuming compared to other methods that will get you similar results. They’re a good company, and you def won’t have any problems other than tired arms. I do continue to use their soil, as I’ve found it to be more consistent than FF and Roots. Def highly recommended. Will be following this grow, I have a CDLC going at the moment also, and am interested in the 3bear/sl cross. Wish I woulda got some of those freebies! Good luck
NFTG nutrients work quite well, however it’s an excessive amount of bottles and so very time consuming compared to other methods that will get you similar results. They’re a good company, and you def won’t have any problems other than tired arms. I do continue to use their soil, as I’ve found it to be more consistent than FF and Roots. Def highly recommended. Will be following this grow, I have a CDLC going at the moment also, and am interested in the 3bear/sl cross. Wish I woulda got some of those freebies! Good luck
Agreed, time consuming, fortunately, (maybe unfortunately) I spend hrs around the girls anyhoo, so might as well be doing something as to just watch! Haven't tried their soil yet, am working with Dr Earth for a few rounds. Bought 4 bags, and slurry test showed all to be between 6.4 and 6.6. Much more consistent than ffof that I'd ran for years.
About what day do you normally start an actual watering?