CBD for animals


"Dr. Kramer, who’s the first veterinarian in the country to (at least openly)
administer medical cannabis to dogs, is not a medical cannabis patient himself.
His venture started when his dog, Nikkita, was diagnosed with cancer. This led
to Dr. Kramer studying recent cannabis research, which pushed him to create a
homemade cannabis tincture, which he administered to her.

Dr. Kramer, who
spoke with us briefly, states; “It restored her appetite, made her lively again.
It was a complete turnaround and she got to live her final days in a much better


It Looks as if there may be facebook pages on it...:tiphat:

Testimonial; thc oil & pets
here are a few of the testimonies for a friends page on fb...

"I treated my dog's tumor on his
ear with RSO.....it was HUGE and now its GONE!!!!

-- I really like how
brief your message was, Andrea Blaze D.
Yet, it explains the whole
situation very well. You treat a tumor with the oil and then it's gone. Thank
you, JB
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Susan Hutchinson OUr dog has 7 tumors. Has had them for the
past year. He's had 2 surgeries, but they keep coming back(they're benign). Has
had 2 shots the past 2months that shrinks them. That only works for 2wks, then
they start growing again. He has 1 that is large and bleeding. Since I live in
CO., I just went to get paper work for my red card to start buying the Cannabis.
I hope it works, don't want to put hiim down.
16 minutes ago · Like

Rick Simpson Susan, the sooner you get him on the oil, the sooner you will
improve the quality of your dog's life. JB
9 minutes ago · Like

dog ate a part of a plant yesterday because he knew it would help his stomach
after he had gotten in leftover chicken dinner fat and ate a bunch of it she
paced a lot and later through up and then rested comfortably.
Guess what
was in her puke -- pot leaves.
Smart dog."

-- Absolutely, Donna
Hackett. Dogs know how to detoxify using natural means, which is exactly why she
ate the leaves. JB

ý"Been giving my 14 year old Pit the oil for 4 weeks
now for cancer. She sometimes gets a bit 'twitchy' and drunk when I give her too
much, but when the hecticness wears off, she sleeps like a pup.

refused to take vet meds so we got some oil instead. Still early days but I'm
recording her progress. It took about a week for her to get used to the oil and
to develop an appetite again. I'm jealous, as we can at this stage only afford
the oil for her Love everyone's beautiful stories!"

-- I understand the
jealousy, Janine Conradie, lol. You can also blow some (vaporized) smoke in her
face or nose to make her hungry if necessary. But this "loss of appetite" is
quite normal, she will only eat as much as she really needs and she will be
quite picky about what she will eat. JB
NO HEMP FLOUR - USE WHEAT FLOUR, it does not form a dough like normal wheat flour does, ruined the whole thing. I need to get vaping so i can whip up another batch in the next few days.
Ended up throwing it out as it wasnt worth trying to make good.
I give my 13 year Old Pit female Canna Oil.
Poach Weed In First Preesed Olive Oil great for Arthritic treatment ..
She can run and Hasnt had Much Problems...She will also like it out of the dropper ..
She knows the feeling and Loves it...
Also drop some on her food
I just learned that THCV may also be helpful against seizures. Can anyone recommend a high cbd/thcv strain?
we were giving our "Roxie" some canna olive oil for her dry skin. Mostly CBD stuff. Since we moved up here, she hasn't had the dry skin problems so we have stopped. When she has a long day of playing, her hips will get sore, so I will give her some then. Seems to work. she can move around better.

From what I have learned, that Cannbis has been used in veterinary medicine for at least a few hundred years. So peeps who say your not giving the animal a choice on what to ingest, I say, they don't have a choice now.


Anyone come up with a SIMPLE recipe for me to try? Ice is killing my old bitch (hehe for once this word has been used semi right) and I hate seeing her lay around and only getting up to either bark at the window (her bed is by the window) or to eat.


2 Cups of WHEAT Flour, 1 Tablespoon of Baking Powder, 1 Cup of Peanut butter, 1/2 Cup of low fat milk mixed with 2 cup of butter infused mmj.
I baked at 370 for 20 minutes only to keep the bisuites soft like a nice cookie

I used 8 grams of AVB to the two cups of butter exactly 500grams of butter

comes out like short bread biscuits and crumble very easily on biting. Only thing hes not into them so Ive whipped up another batch of butter at the same dose 2 cups to 8 grams and he is happy to lick the butter from my hand direct but he will only accept it once or twice per day and ive noticed the last two days he is happier and sleeping alot more but definaley has his tail wagging more than normal, He is still loosing weight daily so all it is doing is making him comfortable i think.

the biscuits i am now eating but they taste really nutty :Sharing One:

EDIT: I also put a teaspoon of soy lecithin powder in the mmj butter whilst simmering on the stove
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I finally got around to making a batch I'll report back on how well it works.
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