Indoor carmel cream and purple mazar grow log

last update:
3 carmel cream and 2 purple mazar and 2 mini assassins
2 purple mazar still growing wont grow theses ever again
2 mini assassins only got 32 grams dry from them but know they do better
now to the carmel cream:
small cc yeilded 32.4 grams
big sick one 34.8 grams
and the cornstalk one 46.2 grams
bag apeal: 5 out 5 looks like some one poured sugar on them
smell: sweet skunky earthy (old school)
taste: real sweet now with that earhty old school taste but only curing for 2and a half weeks
the high: (old school) starts behind the eyes on first hit, the second hit you can fell the tingles starting from the top of your head moving down you body
the third hit you start to get that old scool floatting feeling, but be carefull after that i smoked to bowls like i usually do and i didnt leave my recliner for 7 hours lmao
so with that all said ill be getting as much of the sweetseeds line they have, and wont get others unless they have regular seeds so i can get the males to cross with the sweetseeds
hope this helps somebody but if not i dont mind if ppl dont buy sweetseeds more for me:evil::bong:
last update:
3 carmel cream and 2 purple mazar and 2 mini assassins
2 purple mazar still growing wont grow theses ever again
2 mini assassins only got 32 grams dry from them but know they do better
now to the carmel cream:
small cc yeilded 32.4 grams
big sick one 34.8 grams
and the cornstalk one 46.2 grams
bag apeal: 5 out 5 looks like some one poured sugar on them
smell: sweet skunky earthy (old school)
taste: real sweet now with that earhty old school taste but only curing for 2and a half weeks
the high: (old school) starts behind the eyes on first hit, the second hit you can fell the tingles starting from the top of your head moving down you body
the third hit you start to get that old scool floatting feeling, but be carefull after that i smoked to bowls like i usually do and i didnt leave my recliner for 7 hours lmao
so with that all said ill be getting as much of the sweetseeds line they have, and wont get others unless they have regular seeds so i can get the males to cross with the sweetseeds
hope this helps somebody but if not i dont mind if ppl dont buy sweetseeds more for me:evil::bong:
oh ya the hashi made from the trim is mmmmmm mmmmmm good